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I turned to see a metal loop snare tied around my foot. A spark was shot into the air I heard hollering in the distance as the hunters came towards me. No No No No. I'm not going out like this not happening.

I quickly started to paw at the snare only making it tighter and I could here the hunters getting closer. The pack isn't going to get you out of this one so do it yourself. You aren't helpless you've been in situations like this before. Life or death now prove your not helpless and do it!

I closed my eyes bracing myself for the pain and clamped my teeth on the metal wire tearing it and cutting my mouth up in the process. It would heal quickly but it still hurt. I hear the others shift but stayed quiet not wanting them to know I had gotten into trouble again.


3rd person POV


Has anyone seen her I heard gunshots.

Seth where did she go? 

I don't know I was talking to her because she originally got scared and shifted but she told me she was on her way to the truck so I shifted back but a few minutes later there were more shots then those sparks. She never came back!  Poor Seth thought it was all his fault that the girl was missing. I'm sorry Sam I should've stayed and waited for her to get back and-

Calm down kid your fine but we need to find her if she isn't answering us than she's either in human form or...  Sam trailed off not wanting to say what they were all thinking.

Wren was listening to the whole conversation but before she could say anything to calm the others her foot gave out and she fell to the ground. She quickly shifted back to human form, using the towel that hadn't gotten torn to make a makeshift dress shirt around herself she was covered up.

She glanced down and realized the loop part of the trap was still fastened tightly around her ankle and after trying to get it off and only making it tighter, gave up. It would be dark soon and  she already knew she was in trouble for a million reasons so she shifted and started to limp her way in the direction of home.

After about a half hour and making little progress she slowed down and laid against a tree. Her foot was throbbing now and she knew she would need help if the trap was going to get taken off without her losing her foot. With the last of her energy she let out a loud howl into the night before shifting back to human form after another round of pain went up her leg making her wince in pain. 

She quickly wrapped the towel she had carried around her again and sat against a tree as the darkness of the night set in around her along with the cold.


"Sam we have to call the cops!" Emily knew the others could find her with some time but at this point it was dark, cold, and there was a chance she was injured. 

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