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"I have worked with these newborns before. They are not easy to kill but I can teach you how." I recognized this vampire from the river. He was blond like the older vampire but had longer hair and the tint of his eyes were different.

How are these newborns any different from you? Sam thought sounded as if he was asking the question to the vampire (who's name I had learned was Jasper) and I looked over surprised when Edward repeated his question. 

"They want to know how these newborns are different than us." He said turning to Jasper. Oh yay, mind reading. I was just talking to myself but Edwards gaze flickered to me for a moment before smirking. Get outa my head leech.

The smile on his face only got bigger and I let out a laugh but it sounded more like a cough. Sam shot me a look and immediately made me go quiet. Sure I hated vampires but the Cullens seemed ok. Sam still didn't trust them though.

"These Newborns are a great deal stronger than us due to their human blood lingering in their tissues. But we can still beat them if you act smart. The two most important things to remember are first, never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly." The memory of my first encounter with a vampire popped in my head and I flinched as I remembered the pain. I could hear a few whimpers coming from my pack as my thought was shown in their minds to. Even Jacob flinched away from me abit.

"And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that, and you will loose." He turned away to face the other vampires before calling out to someone. "Emmet!"

Emmet smirked as he and Jasper made their way to the center of the clearing. "Don't hold back"

Emmet smirked and tensed his muscles. "Not in my nature." Emmet then went running towards Jasper as he stood still. As the burley vampire hit the blond a sound of metal hitting metal went through the air before Emmet threw Jasper into the air.

A cloud of dust flew up as Jasper hit the ground and I stood up followed by Jacob to try and spot the vampire but when the dust cleared he had already jumped up and thrown Emmet to the ground. Jasper turned and walked away smirking. "Never lose focus."

I let out another cough laugh as Emmet got up dusting himself off looking furious. Next it was Edward and Carlisle's turn as they walked over to take the other boys places. It seemed as if everything had happened in the corse of ten seconds, both vampires rushed at each other flipping each other around as Jasper circled them, watching.

Suddenly Edward got his hand around Carlisle's neck and shoved him to the ground pinning him there. He let go of him almost immediately and looked over to Jasper as if seeking approval. "Oh and one more thing," suddenly Carlisle was off the ground and had tackled Edward down. "Never turn your back on your enemy.

After that the little pixi sized girl and Jasper took turns fighting but the pixi won after landing on Jaspers back and kissing him, smirking. Jacob turned to me and before I knew what had happened he licked the side of my face.

I let out a surprised yelp and he had a huge wolfy grin on his face and was laughing. I shook my head and wiped my face on my paws. To normal wolves this is a show of affection but to us it was just more of a gross joke. Think about it if you were human would you want someone to kiss you on the cheek or lick you?

The whole pack was holding back laughter including Sam. Jake! That's disgusting! He just continued letting the weird cough barks that we do and I used my side to knock into him sending him to the ground. Now the whole pack was laughing but we went quiet fast after Sam let out a low growl.

The vampires were looking at us confused on why we all sounded like we were dieing and why I was rubbing my face on my paws. Edward had a smile on his face that I could tell he was trying to hide but couldn't.

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