And the world comes crashing down

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T/W: Mentions of attempted suicide. Do not read if you are not comfortable. 

When I woke up it was already bright outside and I could hear the chatter from the other boys coming from the kitchen. I quickly jumped out of bed and jogged into the kitchen, grabbing a muffin as I went over to Emily and gave her a side hug. She giggled and hugged me back. "Someone's in a good mood." 

"She gets to go see Jacob, of course she's in a good mood. Those two are obsessed with each other." Paul said as he took another bite out of his muffin and I glared at him but he just pretended like he couldn't see it. 

"Of course they are, that's what imprinting does, ruins your life. Takes control of it." My head snapped up only to meet Leah's cold eyes from across the room and the smile on my face vanished. I opened my mouth to make a comment back when Sam glared at her. 

"Shut it Leah. No it doesn't and you know that. She didn't do anything to you so leave her alone." The black haired girl just rolled her eyes before going out the screen door, letting it slam shut behind her. "Sorry Wren." I just shrugged before excusing myself to go get dressed. I threw on a pair of light blue ripped jeans with one of Jacobs hoodies over top and grabbed a umbrella, Jake didn't live very far from Sam so I was walking but it had also started raining, as usual, and didn't really want to get soaked. 

I headed for the door when Brady looked me up and down with a confused look on his face. "Why don't you just shift and run there? Save your clothes from getting wet." He immediately received a swift kick in the shin from Seth and glares from the rest of the pack. Brady had shifted a few days ago and didn't know all the details of the accident but it still sting.

"I just like the rain." I said flatly before walking outside. I made my way towards Jakes house, my mood quickly getting better. When I arrived I quickly made my way into the garage as it started raining harder. I set my umbrella on the ground and shook out some of the water that had managed to get on my hair before realizing I was alone.

"Jake? You in here?" I yelled out, barely audible over the heavy rain hitting the roof. I shrugged and turned before running towards the house, huddling under the small cover of the porch before knocking on the door. I heard some shuffling around coming from inside before the door opened to reveal Billy sitting in his wheel chair.  "Hey Billy is Jake in? He said to meet him in the garage but he isn't there." The man's face falls even more and he reaches out to take me hand. 


"What's wrong?" Suddenly becoming aware of how down he seems. I could even sense it. 

"Why don't you come inside? It's getting colder." He gently tugs my hand but I pull away from his grip. 

"Billy what's going on. Where Jacob?" I could feel the panic rising in me as I took a step back. 

"He's gone Wren. He ran off this morning and hasn't come back." The world seemed to freeze the moment the words came out of the old man's mouth. He couldn't be gone. I would've sensed that, right? I had been so happy this morning, surely if something was wrong with him I would've known. "Wren? Come inside please, you don't want to get wet." I still didn't move. "I'm going call Sam, just stay right there." As the wheels of his chair squeaked against the wooden floor I finally snapped back to my senses.

"Why?" I croaked out, my voice sounding like I just swallowed nails. The old man didn't answer as he went into his house towards the phone. I stood there for a moment, still as a statue before slowly sliding down to sit on the porch steps as I leaned against the railing. I didn't even bother to acknowledge the rain soaking me. It felt like a hole had been opened in my chest, like a piece of me had been ripped out. Like losing a lung or a part of my heart. 

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