"I hope he sinks some teeth into you"

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Caleb's POV

'Wren? Wren?!' I mentally yelled to my cousin just as she hit the ground, luckily landing in Jacobs arms. 

"What happened? How did she get hurt?" The huge vampire- I think Wren called him Eret? Edward? Wait, no, the other one is Edward. Emmet! Emmet. That's his name- Seemed genuinely concerned over her but I could see Jacob getting angrier. I turned quickly and sprinted into the woods, phasing back quickly and running back over.

"What happed to her!" I yelled while I fell down beside Jacob, trying to take Wren from him only to be shoved away by Seth. 

"Get back Caleb. He'll get overprotective and hurt you." Seth warned me and just as I was about to ignore him, a loud crashing sound came through the trees. 

"What happened? Is Bella ok?" The Doctor vampire was suddenly at my side, causing me to fall back a few feet. 

"That damn kid hurt her. She's losing blood, help her." Jake sounded broken while he looked down at my cousins limp body, pressing her jacket against her side in a failed attempt to slow the blood flow. It amazed me, I'd known Jake for a decent amount of time now and even when he got hurt himself he never seemed so broken. 

"Give her here." The doctor picked her up effortlessly and was gone in the blink of an eye, followed by the other blood suckers while me, Jake, and Seth and sat there, unmoving. 

"Jack." Jacob said suddenly. "That new kid Jack. He did it. He wouldn't back off despite how hard Wren tried to avoid him and look what happened." 

"I know I-" I started to talk but he interrupted me again.

"No, you don't know Caleb. She may be your cousin but she's my imprint. Everything she feels, I feel. All her emotions, all her pain, all her fear, I feel all of it which means she can feel mine. I have come so close to losing her so, so many times." Jacob shook his head and Seth patted his shoulder. "If I lose her, I lose myself." 

A long howl echoed through the forest, calling me back. "Get out of here, tell Sam what the kid did. And that I'll be coming to the rez soon." I started to argue but decided against it, it was better for me to warn them then for him to go over and do something stupid.  

I stood up and backed away, not taking my eyes off of the limp girl until I was backing into the woods and shifted, immediately I turned and started to run towards the others, trying not to lash out while others asked me questions. 

'Pack meeting.' That was all I said. I needed someone to be around to stop me if I flipped out. That kid had hurt my cousin, the only family I had left. 

'You can't make that call-' A new member, Chase, started to talk but I let out a snarl. 

'Pack meeting! Something happened to Wren.' That got everyone going, over the time Wren had lived here with Sam, everyone had grown to love her. She was like the little sister everyone protected. Whether she liked it or not, we would always protect her.

(Ten minutes later) 

We were all gathered in the back yard, everyone trying to get one of the new lawn chairs Emily had gotten for our meetings since there were to many of us to have them in the living room. "Would you just tell us what happened to her now?" Embry was the most stressed, he was one of my cousins best friends, and was ticked that I wouldn't speak. 

I just stubbornly shook my head, a scowl on my face. I wasn't saying anything till that pup got here. "Ok, we're here now. What happened to Wren? And this better be good, I brought them back from tracking for it." Sam motioned to the newbies he'd taken out to practice immediately after we'd left the Cullens as he bounded into the yard, four kids about Seth's age trailing behind him, along with Brady who also wanted to practice.

The four newbies came walking over, Gray and Dakota, who were twins, Hunter, and then Jack. As soon as I saw Jack I snapped, growling while I lunged at him, knocking him to the ground. 

Everyone started yelling my name at once but I ignored them. "You idiot!" I yelled at him, "You nearly killed her! She could be dead right now!" Now, normally, when a giant wolf lunges at you, you hide. Right? Well not Jack. He fights back. 

"Get, off me!" He grunted while he tried to struggle against me, landing a punch on my face while he thrashed around. I growled again and lifted my fist to send my own punch back when I was grabbed by the others. Sam, Jared, and Embry were all pulling me off him while Hunter and Brady pulled Jake away. 

"Caleb, calm down!" Sam yelled at me and I could hear the order seeping in but being stupid, I fought it. 

"He hurt her!" I struggled against the three even though I knew I was no match for the order. Finally, I slumped down, giving up fighting. 

"What are you talking about Caleb? What did he do?" Paul asked me, glaring at Jack. 

"He almost killed her." I told them in a hard tone. "He slashed up her side during the fight. She's lost a lot of blood and they're trying to save her." Now everyone was looking at Jack. I could tell everyone was furious. Even the twins and hunter looked surprised despite the fact that they've never met her yet. 

"I told you to back off her you idiot." Paul growled and Jared let go of me and put a hand on his shoulder. 

"Calm down Paul, Jake will have a go at him later." Jared tried to joke around, but I could tell he was worried about her. 

"I don't even know what your talking about." Jack said stubbornly, growling at all of us. 

"Oh shut it." Paul snapped at him. "I told you to get off of her but you thought you were protecting the pack when all you did was hurt it." 

"Who the hell even is she anyway? Isn't she the traitor? The person who abandoned the pack?" Jack snapped back. Then something really surprising happened, it was Sam who shoved him to the ground this time. Everyone stared in shock, Sam had gotten angry but never this much. 

"You want to know who she is? She is a girl who has went through hell and back. She is Caleb's cousin, our little sister, and a part of this pack. She is the girl who has looked death in the face more times then you've even phased! She Jacobs imprint, and you are not to hurt her! Is that understood!" Jack was frozen in shock, only stareing at Sam, looking slightly scared. 

"Y-yeah..." Jack muttered, barely audible.

"I said, is that understood!" Sam stood up taller, making Jack hunch down lower on the ground.

"Yes Alpha." Jack said louder this time, his voice still shaking slightly.  

"Good." Sam said stiffly, backing off and turning  away. "And get ready, you know the rule how you can never hurt a brothers imprint? Well you broke it. Jacob gets free way in what happens to you. And personally, I hope he beats the shit out of you." 

And with that he left. Nobody had ever seen Sam that angry, or ever wish any type of true harm among any of them but everyone understood, he broke the most sacred rule. 

"I'm with Sam." Embry growled, following the Alpha. "I hope Jake sinks some teeth into you, and then I want a go." 

Sorry this took so long to come out and that it's shorter than normal! Let's just say writers block sucks! Again, sorry!

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