Finally Home

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3rd Person POV 

It was finally time, the vampires entered the clearing first, the wolves following behind them and weaving their way throughout the crowd. 

"As soon as this is over I'm going to have to sniff ten skunks to get rid of this scent." Brady complained, trying to lighten the mood with little success. 

"If we live that long." Jack commented and Sam growled. 

"We're all going to survive. This is what we were made for, killing vampires. We won't rest until we have Wren back, she's a part of us. We will get her back." Sam gave his little pep talk and everyone grumbled their agreements. 

"Very inspirational, Sam. I feel like celebrating." Everyone's mood immediately jumped up at the introduction of Wrens thoughts. 

"Wren, your going to be ok, we'll get you back, I love you." Wren smiled to herself as she continued to be dragged by a female vampire. 

"I know, I love you too. But everyone listen to me, don't do anything stupid. You all focus on taking them out and I'll worry about freeing myself. I'm serious Jake. If things go south you have to save yourself, you can't leave River without parents." Wren made her thoughts stern, showing that she wasn't kidding. 

"Things will be fine." 

"Promise me, Jake." Wren begged. She had to know that he would think of River, not throw his life away in an attempt to save hers. 

"I promise." Jacob agreed as much as he hated it. Wren watched as Seth went to stand by Bella and Edward, Renesmee on his back and clutching to his scruff. It was clear Seth was the most stressed, he was tasked with running away with the hybrid if things went south and that would mean he had to leave his pack to possibly die. 

"It's ok Seth, she's your imprint, you'd do anything for her." Wren reassured him, not wanting him to hate himself if something did happen to her. The vampire had began to speak to each other but Wren wasn't listening, her full attention on the pack. 

"If something's happens to Jake and I, whoever is left has to take care of River and the girls. I want you all to promise me that if I don't survive this you will take care of my son and Emily, Kim, Rebecca, everyone. Don't close off and live your lives no matter what happens." Wren was aware at how negative and hopeless she sounded, but she didn't let up until everyone promised that they're lives wouldn't end after this. 

"Holy shit it's Alice."  Wren glanced over to the forest edge and sure enough Alice and Jasper were walking towards the Vulturi, determination clear on the pixi haired vampire. Wren noticed her eyes flicker towards her when she stopped infront of Aro, surprise and anger now covering her beautiful features. 

"Why the hell do you have her." Alice snarled and Wren noticed Jasper place a hand on her waist. Aro uncovered one of his psychotic smiled and motioned for the female vampire to bring Wren forward. Against her will, the female dragged the girl through the snow until she was on her knees beside Aro. 

"Just a little, insurance policy that I get what I want. Isn't that right Wren?" Wren glared up at the vampire, 

"Go to hell." She spat and Aro just laughed manically before glancing at the female vampire and nodding, and just like that everything went black for the Grove girl. 

"River, get off Mommy, she's sleeping." Jacob told the nearly two year old who was attempting to climb onto Wren. The toddler only babbled angrily in response until he finally got onto the bed and laid down on Wrens legs while Jake leaned against the doorframe and watched with a small smile on his face. 

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