Pick a Pack

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"Damn it Sam this is what happens!" I heard voices yelling around me as I slowly regained consciousness. "She was coming back! We all heard but you didn't stop! I know you want her to be safe but you can't do that!" I was more aware now, I could tell I was in my bed based off the heavy quilt I felt laid over me and the sun shining in from my window. I was also aware of my headache and these idiots weren't helping. 

I opened my eyes to slits, opening them wider as I got used to the brightness and I could see the pack standing outside my doorway arguing. 

"Caleb calm down, your going shift." I heard Jared warn my cousin as he was moved from my view. 

"She can't just go off like that, she'll get hurt." Sam told the others as he turned to walk away, only to be stopped when Embry grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back using more aggression than I knew Em was capable of. 

"You were the one who hurt her Sam! You can't keep her away from her imprint or else it will be worse next time." Embry sounded totally unlike himself. The normally sweet boy who was my best friend sounded mean, like he was about to snap. 

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation. Well, ok, I did hear it but I didn't listen to it. Instead, I slowly and quietly sat up in my bed, crawling towards my open window and climbing out. I dropped soundlessly to the ground, my bare feet padding across the grass as I bolted towards the woods, climbing up the big oak tree sitting just at the edge of the tree line. 

I made it to the thickest branch on the tree that hung out over the yard and laid back, looking up at the leaves as I let my leg dangle down towards the ground. I laid there for a good bit, feeling more and more proud of myself for escaping a house full of shifters without being noticed as time went on.

'Maybe I should leave again.' I thought as I pulled off the leaf that was tickling my face. Now that I considered it I really could do it, leave. Just take off for a bit. 'You know you can't do that, it'll hurt you and Jake.' Jake. I should go back to the Cullens place and see what's going on. 

I sat up, dusting myself off as I started to make my way back towards the large trunk. I had practiced this, jumping from one tree to another. I was about to make my first jump when I stopped, a voice calling out for me. "Wren!" 

"What!" I called, not even looking behind me. 

"Get down you idiot." Caleb told me as I heard someone else start climbing up my tree. 

"Why?" I asked, jumping to the next tree just before Jared could grab my ankle. "Haha to slow you doof." I stuck my tongue out as him, laughing when he lunged at me again but missed.

"One, because you fainted like a few hours ago, and two, Sam wants you, Paul, Jared, and Brady to go to the treaty line and meet Jacob and his pack. Jake wants to say something apparently." I grinned at the sound of Jakes name. When I saw him earlier it reminded me how much I really missed him and Seth. 

"Great! I'll meet you guys there." I quickly jumped towards another tree, skipping branch to branch as I raced towards the treaty line. I could hear Caleb yelling for me but I ignored him as four large wolves started to run on the ground under me. "Jared! I'm coming down!" I yelled as I swung down from my branch, letting myself fly through the air as Jared turned slightly, allowing me to land on his back. 

"Thanks." He let out a deep bark like a dog in response as he ran faster, racing ahead of the others. Right before we reached the treaty line Jared skidded to a stop, causing me to fly off his back and through the air as I shifted. 'What the hell!' I growled as the others let out the cough bark laughs they do. 

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