They are coming

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When I opened my eyes there was light streaming into the room as I sat up rubbing my eyes. I looked around and realized I was still on Emily's couch and Jacob was asleep next to me. I slowly untangled myself from Jacobs arms trying not to wake him. When I untangled myself I took a step back but had to stop when I almost stepped on someone's hand.

I took in the scene around me and saw the boys all sleeping in the room. Embry was sprawled out on the other couch along will Quill who was on the other side. Paul was leaning on the side of the couch snoring loudly while Jared was laying on the ground right under my feet. 

I took slow careful steps weaving my way out of the jumbled mess of wolf boys and quickly went to my room changing into a pair of comfy sweatpants. I was digging around for the sweatshirt Emily had bought me as a welcome gift but couldn't find it so I went back out to the kitchen to see if I had left it in there.

When I got to the kitchen I noticed a gray hoodie strung over one of the chairs so I threw it on even though it was big for me. I made my way towards the back door and after almost tripping and falling on top of Paul, I slipped outside unnoticed. 

I made my way down the porch steps and into the yard, not minding the drizzle that misted my face. I could feel the cool morning air through the hoodie I was wearing and couldn't stop the shiver that ran down my spine. I missed when I was a walking furnace. Never getting cold, being able to wear whatever I wanted no matter the weather.

I made my way around the house to the front and started to walk down the side of the road. I didn't have any destination in mind, I just felt like walking. I knew I would get scolded by Sam and the others when I got back but I didn't care all to much. I kept walking for I don't know how long but eventually made it to the treaty line and stopped.

I walked towards the forest and just sat down in the grass right on the treaty line. Technically I wasn't breaking any rules, we could go into Forks whenever we wanted. The leeches just couldn't come here. Simple as that.

"Well that's not a very nice thing to call your friends now is it Wren?" A voice came from somewhere to my left and I noticed Edward standing on his side of the line with the small pixie girl standing behind him.

"I told you to stay out of my head Edward. And we're not friends, I only like Emmet." He put a mocking look of hurt on his face while the pixi girl let out a light laugh.

"Wow and he wasn't even the one that almost crushed you." The pixi girl said before stepping forward and reaching out her hand, "I'm Alice Cullen. Edwards sister." I stepped over the treaty line and shook her hand but immediately pulled back when I touched her skin.

"That's weird, your not hot like the rest of them." She had a slight frown on her face and I was confused.

"Sorry we can't all look like teenage models on steroids. I might be a girl but I didn't think I looked that bad compared to the boys. Especially Paul, dang he's ugly." Alice smiled but waved her hand as if dismissing what I had said.

"No, no I mean your body temperature, it's like a humans. Colder actually. But nowhere near as cold as us." The girl suddenly froze and got a far away expression on her face as she looked into the distance.

"Um Edward is she ok?" I looked at the vampire and realized he too had a faraway expression on his face. "Guys what's going on? Answer me dang it!" I waved my hand infront of Edwards face before he finally blinked and pushed my hand away from his face. 

"What's going on?" I asked but he just turned to the girl and nodded and she turned and ran out of sight In the blink of an eye. 

"Their coming here." He said in a flat tone.

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