The Battle

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3rd Person POV

Wren was frozen in place. A million thoughts were running through her head at once. Had everything been a lie? Was everything that had happened between them fake? Was there ever anything at all? Had all those kisses and I love yous shared between the two meant nothing?  

When the two people broke away from each other and Jacob had turned to leave is when he finally noticed the silver wolf with bright blue eyes watching him. He froze in his tracks and opened his mouth to say something but she already running. Seth already knew what had happened and was running to meet his friend before she could get to far.

Wren I'm sorry. The teenagers voice rang out in her wolf thoughts and she just let out a sad whimper. 

We all knew he loved her, I don't know why I thought he felt anything for me. The silver wolf had met up with the brownish gray one now and had stopped running. 

Wren he does feel something for you he's just confused. Bella means something to him but so do you. A low howl suddenly went through the cold air and she knew Jacob had shifted. 

Wren listen to me please, I don't know what got into me I-

Enough Jacob. The pack had shifted now and everyone had seen what happened. You don't get to talk to her anymore for now we need to focus. That's an order. Sam had given the alpha order and Wren was grateful. The last thing she wanted right now was to hear his apologies that she wouldn't believe.

Thanks Sam. Suddenly the whole pack was silent and after a moment she knew why.

Their here, everyone stay focused! Protect the Cullens and each other!  The whole pack was on guard when Edward appeared at Wrens side with Bella right next to him. 

Wrens POV.

"She's close. I can hear her thoughts. She picked up my scent she knew we weren't there. Seth, Wren, go." Edward had a panicked look in his eyes and I pushed all my feeling down for the moment as I followed Seth away, I had to stay focused if I wanted me and Seth to live.

Seth immediately started to say stuff my I growled at him to be quiet as I listened to the conversation. "She found us?" Bella spoke up, sounding terrified.

"She's not alone." This caught my attention, I started to sniff the air and realized that there was a scent I didn't recognize, a newborn definitely. "Rylee, listen to me." Apparently the newborn had shown up. "Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you. In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore."

I couldn't help but turn my thoughts to how Bella was using Jacob but I quickly pushed them away after I heard a low growl from Seth. Sorry I know, not the time.

"Don't listen Rylee, I told you about their mind tricks." It was a female voice that spoke now, no doubt Victoria.

"I can read her mind." Edward cut her off. "And I know what she thinks of you."

"He's lieing"

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James." I looked over at Seth but he just shrugged his huge shoulder. Neither of us had heard of him before. "It's the only thing she cares about."

"There's only you, you know that." Sounds like Bella. I couldn't stop the thought and Seth help back a laugh.

Not the time Wren. 


"Think about it, your from Forks, you know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you"

"Rylee, don't let him do this to us. You know I love you" Something was off. Something shifted. I felt Seth tense beside me and I knew he felt it too. Come on let's get closer. Before I could stop him he had walked out of the tree line and was behind a huge rock, just out of sight. 

"Your dead." I heard a scarily calm voice and a snarl. Suddenly Seth sprung over the rock and I followed. Seth landed on the newborn and started to tear at him and I went after the vampires feet. We worked together and were destroying it when Seth tore its hand off and it let out a roar.

As we continued to fight it I heard Edward yell to the redhead. "You won't get another chance like this again! You want her! You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James!" Edward what are you doing you idiot! The vampire didn't even acknowledge me. "When I tore him to pieces. When I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing."

A vicious roar suddenly came from the red head and I looked up in time to see her and Edward go skidding across the snow, arms locked around each other as they tried to tear at each other. Victoria got the upper hand and launched at Bella only to be thrown towards a tree by Edward before she reached her. 

I heard a growl behind me and turned back to help Seth with Rylee only to be hit in the jaw by his handless wrist. I let out a whimper but quickly went back to helping him. Suddenly a ear splitting crack sounded behind me as Edward pushed a tree down and I jumped out of the way as it almost landed on me.

Right as I turned back I heard a yelp and saw Rylee had kicked Seth against a rock and he lay there unmoving. Seth! The wolf didn't move to look at me and I growled at the vampire that was standing between me and my injured pack mate. Right as I lunged at him he jumped over me and towards Edward and Victoria fighting and I went to Seth's side.

Seth get up. Come on you'll be ok get up. Please. I nudged him multiple times with my nose, not acknowledging the fight happening behind me. I heard a faint whimper and he slowly raised his head to nudge me back. Are you ok?

Yeah, wait Wren look! I turned and saw all three vampires looking towards Bella as blood flowed down her arm. In the time that they were frozen Edward threw Rylee towards a rock and flipped Victoria over, knocking her away as me and Seth lunged at Rylee again. We started to drag him off as he yelled for Victoria to help him but she didn't even spare a glance as her and Edward snarled at each other.

Right as we pulled Rylee over the snowy hill he suddenly sprang up, tearing himself from me and Seth's grip and lunged at me. Before I could react he had launched me against a rock and landed two hard punches on me. One to my ribs, and one to my head. Everything went blurry and I wasn't very aware of what happened next.

All I could remember is the sound of metal tearing and a lot of shouting from Seth and the Pack in my head. I hadn't heard the pack during the entire fight so I figured Sam's Alpha order had blocked them from communicating with me and Seth but they obviously could now. The last thing I remember was shifting back before I blacked out.

A/N: Sorry that this was shorter than normal but there's the battle scene so yeah lol

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