"How's the little demon doing?"

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Jacobs POV

"Whoa!" Seth shouted as he came running out of the woods from behind me. I glanced over my shoulder, checking to see if any of the pack had followed him. "Don't worry, they're not following us." He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"What do you think your doing here?" I asked and he shrugged again.

"I let Sam's pack."

"Go home Seth." 

"I won't stand behind him!" 

"Oh yes you will." I shot back. "I'm not kidding. Get out of here."

"Is that an order?" He questioned, making me turn to look at him. "Gonna make me bow down too?" He asked, immediately making me feel guilty.

"I'm not ordering anyone." I argued back. "Look, I'm just going out on my own here okay?" 

"Great." 'Good he got the message.' "And I've got your back. 'Never mind.' 

"No you don't!" I all but yelled at him. "If Sam comes after Bella, are you really ready to fight your own brothers? Your sister? Wren?" I questioned as he stiffened. 

"If it's the right thing to do." He stated, not letting any emotion slip through. 

"Whatever. I'm going to give the Cullens a heads up. Do what you want." I patted his shoulder and started to walk away as a smile spread across his face.

"How cool is this?" He asked excitedly, all ready back to his normal self. "A two man pack. Two against the world." 

"Gettin on my nerves Seth." 

"I'll shut up. Can do." 


Wrens POV

I clamped a hand over my mouth as I stifled a laugh. Emmet had come running out of the house for the fourth time, even angrier than the first three times I had thrown a rock at the door and he hadn't caught me. 

Jacob and Seth left the pack a few days ago and Leah too not much later. Sam was convinced that I was going to get hurt if I went to see Jacob so he used the alpha order to keep me on the rez whenever he even had a suspicion I would try and leave. That was what made me shift back for the first time since I had left. 'You can't know I'm going if you can't read me you jerk.' I thought bitterly as I threw another rock, this time Edward followed Emmet out, a small smirk on his face. 

'I swear leech don't give me away. I need a bit of entertainment.' I thought hard and I saw him nod his head ever so slightly as he walked back inside with a furious Emmet. I scooped up another rock and prepared to throw it when suddenly a icy cold hand grabbed my wrist, making me stop and let out a small scream before a hand clamped over my mouth. 

"You know, Esme not like it very much if she knew you were throwing rocks at her beautiful glass door." I cold voice whispered as I smiled and pulled his hand off my mouth. 

"I know but it's just so entertaining to see the beast get so worked up over something so dumb." I retorted as Jasper smiled. "Hey Jasper." 

"Hello Wren. So, is there a reason your stalking my house orrr." He trailed off and I just shrugged. 

"I came to see Jake and Seth. Sam's been keeping me at the rez so I shifted back and came without him knowing." I answered as I turned and started walking towards the house, Jasper quickly at my side before I could even blink. "How's Bella? I heard about what happened." 

"She's getting worse. Carlisle doesn't think she'll make it to delivery but she's refusing to let us take it out. I guess we'll know in a few days." He shrugged as a small frown came on his face and I turned to him, shocked. 

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