Study Dates

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The next day after classes ended, I headed to my dorm to change our of my robes and get into something more..... ME!

I put the book 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'  in my purse and ran back down the stairs towards the common room, headed to the door leading out to the corridors

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I put the book 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' in my purse and ran back down the stairs towards the common room, headed to the door leading out to the corridors. When I got down the stairs I heard Sirius snickering, while he was the only one doing so, it made me pause.

I could see my brother and his friends on one side of the common room and Lily on the other, she was watching to see what my brother would do. I knew she had a crush on him but she'd repeatedly stated that the bullying was a big NO for her. Not snickering was a start, but then he hit Sirius in the back of the head.

"Stop Pads.... You look nice Y/N, have fun on your study date or whatever it is." James said, looking at me

"Thank you" I felt myself perk up a little, and decided to ignore Sirius who was currently still smirking while rubbing the back of his head.

I walked out of the common room, heading towards the library. When I got there I found a seat towards the back of the library, while it was somewhat secluded, it was still in view of the double doors at the front of the room and the Librarian's desk. I sat down near the window, taking out the book I'd brought, I knew they had the book in the library itself but I brought my own in case someone was using their copy.

This time I saw Xenophilius coming, it was pretty hard not to, I had my back against the wall and was facing the doors at the front of the room. He didn't say anything when he sat down, he'd put up that little wall again where he's shy and doesn't interact with people in an attempt to not get his feelings hurt.

I slid my book across the table

He was trying not to smile again, he always tried really hard not to let anyone in even if he wanted to

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He was trying not to smile again, he always tried really hard not to let anyone in even if he wanted to. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable, and preferably he'd be able to be open with me instead of blocking me out like everyone else. It'd take me forever to get him to believe he wasn't crazy and to be a little more outgoing outwardly, but I was willing to try.

I scooted my chair closer, wanting to ask a question about something he'd said the night before, and given how many times he'd been called crazy over the years, I knew we'd need to whisper.

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