Pissed Off Spouses

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My luck for the night had apparently run out however, as it was quickly made blatantly obvious that she had in fact woken him up.

To explain why Xenophilius it terrifying when he's angry, he never yells.... ever. For him to go from his usual laid back, mostly happy, eccentric self to yelling as loud as he possibly could.... It's absolutely horrifying to watch.

He was currently standing at the bottom of the stairs, with his arms crossed, just glaring at me.

James and I helped Sirius to the sofa, Lily immediately going to work in helping with his injuries, then I went to get him a drink. I didn't necessarily know if he needed one but I could feel eyes glaring at the back on my head. James followed shortly after, concerned with the expression on my face. I'd felt all the blood drain from my face when I saw Xenophilius standing at the bottom of the stairs, and my eyes were currently still as wide as saucers.

"Y/N, are you ok? You didn't get hurt did you? Are you in shock?" James whispered

"I'm not hurt, I'm a little scared though...." I answered, whispering

"Are you talking about Xenophilius? I know he looks angry but I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"It's not the look that's bothering me, it's the fact he hasn't said anything. I'm pretty sure we've pissed him off to the point he's speechless."

"Oh, maybe he just doesn't like yelling?"

"He doesn't necessarily 'like' yelling, but he does yell under certain circumstances. He makes Lily look like an amateur James, it's absolutely terrifying. The fact he looks that angry but isn't saying anything whatsoever is concerning."

"I don't know if I believe that anyone could make Lily look like an amateur when she's angry, but I'll take your word for it."

"Wait until I do something else he doesn't think is even remotely safe, you might change your mind."

Lily's yelling had apparently woken up Luna but given the amount of noise Sirius was making in the living room, I doubted either Lily or Xenophilius could hear her whining upstairs. The only reason James and I could hear it was solely because we were literally right underneath her.

James took the glass of water from me, nodding to me as if to tell me to go to her before walking out into the living room, while I apparated upstairs to her. She wasn't fully crying yet but I could tell she was definitely scared by the look on her face.

"It's ok baby, come here, Aunt Lily's just mad." I whispered, walking over to the Pack N Play and picking her up.

I slowly started rubbing her back, rocking her from side to side, while making little bouncing motions. She was still lightly whimpering at the sound of Sirius yelling about Lily using rubbing alcohol on a cut, not that I could blame her, he was being incredibly loud! If only all of us could sleep like James and Harry, they both sleep like the dead!

"Shhhh, you're ok, Mummy's here." I whispered, kissing her forehead

I'd just gotten her back to sleep, not even having time enough to put her back down, before the metaphorical shit finally hit the fan.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Xenophilius yelled, I'd honestly never heard him yell that loud

Literally EVERYONE in the house jumped at how loud he had just yelled, it woke up Luna again, as well as Harry, who both started down right screaming at top of their lungs.

From what James told me later Xenophilius had walked into the kitchen when I never came back out, finding it empty. Evidently he seemed to be under the impression that I'd left the house again, choosing to run away from the situation instead of actually dealing with it in the moment. That option had never even crossed my mind, while I was concerned with how angry he was, I wanted to talk about the problem but at the time my main concern had been Luna.

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