Can Things Get Worse?

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When I heard my brother running back up the stairs I aimed my wand at the now closed door, reciting a spell under my breath.


While you typically can't lock the doors in the dorms at Hogwarts this spell is helpful in that aspect, it makes it so the door can only be opened after using the counter spell, which I didn't currently plan on doing.

"Y/N, why lock the door?" Lily asked, she apparently hadn't heard James running back up the stairs.

However, she didn't really need to, not even a second later he was banging on the door trying to get in.

"Never mind...." She rolled her eyes and went back to reading the book she'd been reading before I came into the room.

"Y/N, open the door!" James yelled, continuing to bang on the door

While I typically try and calm him down when he's mad at people, I found this situation hilarious and couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he was being at the moment. Everyone at Hogwarts knows James is far from pure, he's almost as bad as Sirius when it comes to his track record with women, the fact he was now angry with me for doing something he'd done with multiple girls at our school was incredibly amusing to me, but when I didn't answer open door he started his old habit of using meaningless threats.

"Fine! I'll go have a talk with that boy from Ravenclaw! Maybe he'll have more to say than you."

"Doubt it!" I hollered back at him through the door

"We'll see about that.... I bet if I try hard enough I can get the little bird to sing."

This was a threat I wasn't ok with, it went too far, he'd bullied Xenophilius for years, even going as far as to torment him almost as much as he did Severus. The only thing he DIDN'T do was physically harm Xenophilius, which he had done with Severus.... On multiple occasions!

"JAMES! If you even breathe in his general direction I WILL make you regret it! Don't test me!" I retorted

"I don't think you have it in you, you're the one who got empathy in the womb remember? I think I could do whatever I want to that little freak and you wouldn't do a damned thing about it."

When Lily looked up at me again she genuinely looked concerned for my brother's safety, I never took my eyes off the door, I probably looked like I was trying to burn holes through it with my eyes.

"I'd stop if I were you Potter, she might actually kill you if we go by the look on her face." Lily warned

She was trying to save my brother, which while admirable.... Was absolutely infuriating at the moment.

"She won't hurt me, she couldn't hurt a fly. That's the problem with her, she can't even stand up for herself." He replied

Lily used the counter spell, opening the door to let him see just how pissed I actually was.

"Maybe not but apparently she's willing to stand up for him, I'd stop if I were you." She stated

At first he wouldn't take his eyes off Lily, which Sirius clearly thought was a bad decision as he'd visibly shrunk into himself and started walking backwards until his back hit the wall. When James finally looked at me all the blood drained from his face and his eyes went wide.

"She reminds me of my mum.... Merlin's Beard that's terrifying!" Sirius whispered

"That's the look your mum used to give you before you moved in with us? That's horrifying! Dear god!" James replied

"That's the look she gives me and Reg right before she hexes us!"

"Yes.... Thank you for comparing me to your mother, it's a nice gesture! NOW STAY AWAY FROM XENOPHILIUS!" I was more irritated now that they were comparing me to that dreadful woman

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