Daddy's Mini

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When Luna was around 4 she decided she wanted to set out on a mini art project! She'd started this while I was busy washing dishes after breakfast, right after her father had gone out onto the patio to write an article for the next issue. I'd initially left her at the kitchen table with crayons and parchment, this however was apparently not nearly adequate enough for her.

Walking out the door to the porch that over looks the patio, I leaned over the railing and looked down.

"Love, have you seen Luna?" I asked

"Not since breakfast, no. I assume she's not where you left her?" Xenophilius replied

"No, apparently she's decided to go on an adventure"

I walked back inside, hearing him chuckle from behind me. She does this regularly, Xenophilius and I used to assume it was some sort of hide and seek game she'd learned from Harry, but when we asked her about it she informed us she was going on adventures and insisted is was NOT a game. I started my search in her bedroom, slowly making my way downstairs.

When I came to my drawing station however I immediately knew what she'd decided to do, the next task would be finding where on earth she brought more than half of my art supplies. She'd taken the paint brushes, all of the paints, which included acrylic, water, oil, and the permanent paint pens Lily had bought me for Christmas the year before, as well as glitter, markers, colored pencils, and my stool!

After searching the entire house, I started looking outside.

"Where on earth have you gone, and why do you need so many art supplies?" I asked, walking out the back door.

I could see the corners of Xenophilius's mouth twitching in an effort to not smile out of the corner of my eye, he finds her antics adorable.

"Still can't find her?" He asked

"No, and she's taken half of my art supplies and my stool with her." I answered, continuing to slowly make my way around the outside of the house.

I found her by the front door, at the bottom of the stairs, on the outside of the house, surrounded by art supplies and drawing on the side of the house with the paint markers. At the moment it currently looked like she was drawing some sort of magical plant, working her way up the house, and going by the leaves she'd also drawn I was assuming she'd decided to start with Dittany.

When she finally saw me walking closer to her she dropped the green paint marker she'd been holding, looking up at me with sad eyes like she'd just been caught doing something wrong. I don't know why she thought she'd be in trouble, Xenophilius and I have never gotten angry at her for anything even remotely like this. The only time we've gotten mad at her was the day she decided to stand on top of the railing on the porch to try and reach an apple from the Silver Leafed Tree I'd planted soon after she was born, and that was solely because she could've easily gotten seriously injured.

Walking up to her I sat on the ground next to her and picked up the pen she'd dropped, handing it back to her.

"What are we drawing baby?" I asked, smiling at her

I wasn't even remotely angry about the fact she was drawing on the house, I love her drawings. If we ever decided to sell the house and move into a smaller one we could always paint over her drawings later on, but until that point in time came I wasn't going to worry about her drawing on the house.

"Dittany" her answer came out as more of a whisper

"Well lets finish it, I don't think it's done growing yet" I whispered back, she'd dropped the pen halfway through her drawing, it clearly wasn't finished yet.

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