Coming Up With A Plan

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Xenophilius absolutely hated the idea of me helping Peter out of the situation he'd gotten himself into, but he knew he couldn't stop me either. He was happy with the fact I'd thought the Luna aspect out before agreeing to help James with Peter though.

Lily and I set out almost immediately to work on the spells, while I could easily find a house big enough for Peter, we needed to invent the two spells first.

The first one on our to do list was the one that would get rid of the dark mark on his arm. If Peter didn't want our help, the spell could at least come in handy if anyone else decided to defect from Voldemort's ranks.

The main problem was that we had no one to test it on, at least not anyone willing. There were numerous death eaters in the wizarding world but most of them didn't want to defect, and those that did wouldn't vocally admit such. That was where Sirius came in handy, he has numerous tattoos what could one more hurt? The question was what would he actually be willing to live with on his body for the rest of his life if this spell didn't work?

He begrudgingly agreed to this idea solely to help James and Lily, while he hadn't down right said it, Sirius had made it clear that he doesn't exactly trust me.

"What am I supposed to be agreeing to get and where?" Sirius asked, rolling his eyes at me

"Look, I know you don't trust me but I'm trying to save your friend's life, you could at least be grateful." I replied

"Thanks for saving a rats life, now what am I supposed to be getting put on my body?" He asked sarcastically

"I honestly don't care, something you're willing to live with if this spell doesn't work, so probably not your fuck buddy of the weeks name."

He rolled his eyes again, taking a moment to think of something he wouldn't actually hate to look at before handing me his wand.

"You want to put a wand on your body? Seems unusual but if you insist."

"Not the wand, the runes on the end of it."

"You don't have to tell me... there's a shop in Diagon Alley, I'm not giving it to you. I'm not a professional and you don't trust me on a normal day, you want me going near you with a needle?"

"You don't need a needle but fine, I'll be back."

Sirius apparated out of the house, returning shortly after and sitting down on the sofa next to me.

"I've returned for my untimely death, spare the tiny humans from the horrible memory though, it seems cruel to make them watch." Sirius statedjokingly

I rolled my eyes, turning my body to face him and motioning for him to do the same, which he did. He'd gotten the runes on his wand tattooed going down his left forearm.

"Put your hand on my leg" I didn't think about this statement when I said it, it'd been meant as an innocent instruction to make the tattoo more accessible to me, but Sirius being Sirius took it the complete opposite way of what I'd meant it.

Thankfully Xenophilius was somewhere else in the house at the time, if he'd been in the living room Sirius would probably have had a broken nose given that he placed his hand, palm side down, on my upper thigh, and while James snickered, Lily let out a small gasp.

"You asshole!" I said, slightly raising my voice and swatting his hand away

"In his defense, you didn't exactly specify what it was you wanted." James laughed

I grabbed Sirius's hand, placing it palm side up on my calf.

"There, don't try anything Black! I'm warning you!"

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