Naming Baby

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*Side note: The origin of this baby name is completely made up and NOT canon!*

The hardest part of us picking out a name for the baby was having to agree on her name! Xenophilius wanted to name her after his mum, Elizabeth, which wasn't entirely out of the question but I thought it wasn't fair to my mum. My current problem at the moment was that he'd now taken offense to me saying no to naming her Elizabeth.

"Is there something wrong with wanting to name her after my Mum?" He asked, I understood why he was asking, I'd said no almost as soon as it left his mouth and it'd come out colder than I'd intended it to.

He'd now stopped the pacing he'd been doing, crossing his arms and quirking an eyebrow while giving me a dirty look.

"No Love, there's nothing wrong with wanting to name the baby Elizabeth, I just don't think it'd be very fair to my mum if we only name her after your mum. I'm not saying no entirely, just not as a first name." I answered

"So you'd rather name her Euphemia?" His accusatory tone irritated me, but I knew he was just frustrated.

"I didn't say that, I'd actually rather give her her own name actually. Something entirely hers."

He now looked like he wanted to continue fighting about it even though he clearly saw my reasoning as to why I wanted her to have her own name. I wanted our daughter to be able to be her own person, not needing to live up to any sort of expectations people may or may not put on her if we named her after someone.

We went over multiple names and while they were all great baby names, they just didn't seem to fit. Hazel, Violet, Willow, Poppy, Ophelia, Iris, Rose, Aurora..... none of them seemed to fit. Either he didn't like the name combination or I didn't.

We'd agreed to give her the middle name Elizabeth, the agreement was that if we were to have another baby their middle name would be after one of my parents. When he suggested the name Aurora though, it gave me an idea.

"What about Luna?" I asked

"Luna?" He seemed to be thinking the name over, repeating the name to himself repeatedly.

I took the time to get a drink, he was still sitting on the balcony thinking about the name I'd suggested. While there was no real meaning behind the name Luna, I absolutely loved it. It was unique, and would be completely her own. By the time I came back outside he'd apparently made up his mind about whether or not we both agreed on the name, thankfully we did.

Luna Elizabeth Lovegood it was! We'd finally agreed on a name we both liked.

The next step for me was to decorate and furnish the nursery, which wasn't that hard for me as I a general concept of what I wanted it to look like. It took me a few weeks to find the furniture I liked but eventually we had everything we needed.

The only problem I had was that Lily wouldn't let me lift anything and while I didn't mind not lifting heavy things like the crib, I felt bad for my brother. Lily hadn't exactly volunteered him to do it, but she'd highly suggested he do so without actually telling him he had to.

"Y/N, where on earth is your godforsaken husband? Lifting SOME of this shit by myself is one thing, but I refuse to lift that god damned dresser or changing table or whatever the hell it is by myself!"

I couldn't help but laugh. Neither of them had thought of the option of using magic to transport the boxes, it hadn't been an option for them, they lived in the middle of downtown London.

"Hold on" I laughed, walking into the kitchen and grabbing my wand

After getting back outside I aimed my wand at the box, reciting a spell we'd ALL learned in our first year at Hogwarts.

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