Gender Reveal Party

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Lily told me her entire plan. The idea was that while everyone would be getting a cupcake, she'd set the reveal cupcake aside and would be giving it to either Xenophilius or I, which was what I'd told Xenophilius I thought she'd do. Her reasoning behind the idea was that due to the fact Xenophilius didn't like the cupcake plan to begin with, it gave both of us what we wanted.

I told him about Lily's plan when I got home and he seemed relieved, he'd never liked the idea of a random guest getting to be the one to actually announce the gender of our baby.

The next day we got to James and Lily's house early to help them set everything up and while I was given specific instructions from Lily to not lift anything, I've never really been one to listen. I've also developed a habit of finding loopholes to rules that have been set. While the other 4 adults were busy setting up tables, chairs, food, drinks, and everything else a party could possibly need or have, I picked up Harry and started walking around the backyard with him.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" James asked, he looked confused but slightly amused

The question seemed to make everyone else look in my direction and going by the look on Sirius's face, he knew exactly what I was doing.

"I was told not to lift anything, she didn't say not to lift anyone." I answered, smirking at him

"You and your loopholes" Lily was now giving me a dirty look, I could tell she wasn't entirely pleased.

"Harry wanted to be nosy, told me himself."

Sirius and James were both now snickering into their hands in an effort to not start laughing hysterically, Xenophilius didn't seem to care about me finding away around Lily's rule but he also didn't seem surprised that I'd done it, and Lily just looked annoyed.

"Harry didn't tell you anything but I'll let your little scheme slide. He seems happy to be outside, which is currently the only thing saving you right now." She retorted, I could tell she was really trying to stay mad but she also wanted to chastise me at the same time.

I shrugged, walking over to the other side of the yard and sitting in one of the numerous chairs they'd put out on the lawn, making sure to sit in the shade, the last thing I wanted was for Harry to get a sunburn.

Lily's orange cat decided to join the two of us, sitting at my feet and looking up at me before meowing to get my attention. She'd bought the half cat-half kneazle a few months prior as a companion for Harry, which was adorable to me but James just found the cat annoying. Add in that Sirius despises it and everyone in the general vicinity could understand why I LOVED this cat! Lily had insisted on naming the cat something 'cute', I'd never thought I'd be calling a male half kneazle Butterscotch but here I was!

"Well hello to you too Butterscotch"

He meowed again, putting his head down on his paws and closing his eyes. Harry absolutely adores Butterscotch, he gets excited every time he hears him, and he'd now started kicking me.

"You know mini James, it's rude to kick your cousin. Very rude."

"Mini James.... Accurate." I could hear my parents laughing behind me, and apparently my dad agreed with me.

"Just look at him Dad, are we sure Lily was involved? Put glasses on him and he'd be a little clone."

"He has Lily's eyes Y/N, he's not an exact copy." My mum sounded like she was tired of people saying he looks exactly like my brother.

"Ok, 1% Lily, 99% James, 100% Harry."

"I'll take it! It's better than 'Oh my god Euphemia, he looks just like James!' It's getting old, and he's only 3 months!"

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