No Hard Feelings? •

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It took a few hours for the owl to come back, I don't think she knew what to do either. Lily doesn't have this problem, every time James is mad at her, all she has to do is show up in their bedroom in lingerie and his anger 'magically' disappears..... I wish Xenophilius was that simple!

Lily's letter was short and to the point:

- Admit you were wrong for leaving without informing anyone during a potentially deadly situation

- Apologize.... and mean it

- Do something to let him know you still care

The last one took me off guard, why on earth would he think I don't care? That was when it hit me.... She was right.

While my brother and Sirius understood why I did what I did, Xenophilius isn't like them, he thinks differently than anyone else I've ever met in the wizarding community. I now knew why he'd been all but ignoring me and why he'd pulled away almost completely, he thought I'd gone back to Godric's Hollow because I didn't care enough about him and Luna to stay at the safe house and not put my life in danger.

"Damn it" I whispered under my breath

How exactly do you show your husband you care about him when you try to do that every day? I obviously couldn't do the same things I do every single day, he either wouldn't notice or he'd think I was now ignoring him too.

So things already off the table were: Cooking dinner, helping him with the Quibbler, or any sort of activity with Luna. The reason these things were automatically off the table were simple, I cook for him every day as unfortunately for him he could probably burn water, and while I don't technically get paid for helping him with The Quibbler, as he's the one that gets paid, I willingly help him every month because I love him and want to see him succeed in his dreams.

As for any sort of activity with Luna being off the table, we'd been trying to keep her life as normal as possible and it seemed to be working. She'd seemed to be able to sense how tense we were a few times, but everything else seemed normal for her.

Then I got an idea!

He's always loved showing pictures of us to literally anyone who'd look at them, Luna especially likes the moving pictures of us from our 7th year at Hogwarts, but what if I brought the past back to life?

I had the perfect idea to make this happen, and thankfully I didn't have to go very far to find everything I needed. I'd started growing Red Chrysanthemums outside our house around the same time we moved in, and luckily for me I'd enchanted the entire flower bed in an effort to make them grow year round, which had surprisingly worked.

Walking outside, I picked at least 3 dozen of them, placing a dozen of them in a vase on his side of the bed, then I spent a painstakingly long amount of time pulling the petals off of the other 2 dozen Chrysanthemums. Once Luna was in bed, I set my plan in motion.

Starting from the doorway of our bedroom, I started trickling the petals down the hallway, down the stairs, and to the doorway of the sunroom, where I knocked on the doorframe of the room before apparating back to our bedroom. The key to this plan was that he was supposed to see the little notes I'd left going up the stairs. There were a total of 4 notes, each of them being on a different stair.

'I know I scared you last week'

'I shouldn't have left without informing someone about where we were going'

'I'm sorry'

'I love you more than you'll ever know'

Hopefully he saw them.... If he didn't see them he'd probably just think this was a really dedicated way to try and get laid. In all honesty I didn't care about sex, but I also wouldn't complain if it led to that either. Before he got upstairs I headed to the bathroom to change into my pajamas, closing the door behind me.

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