October 1981

21 2 0

Over the next few weeks I got pretty close to Peter, he seemed nice and he just wanted friends, I'd started visiting him at least once a week. So far he hadn't backtracked into his old death eater lifestyle, he seemed genuinely happy that he was away from them and away from being dominated by Voldemort.

Then, a little over a week before Halloween, he told me something I hadn't been expecting. Apparently Voldemort had said something prior to Peter leaving that had been concerning him, something that had been eating him up inside over the past few weeks and that he couldn't keep to himself any longer.

"He has this plan to have Regulus try and 'make amends' with Sirius, a sort of 'would you really turn away your little brother' type of thing. They know Sirius lives somewhere in downtown London, they just don't know exactly where his apartment is. Voldemort's plan is to use Regulus to get into James and Lily's inner circle, a spy of sorts, in an effort to get their address. When the first attempt to get you to write down the address didn't work, he needed a back up plan, and this is what he came up with. This plan, in his words, is 'fool proof'. He won't need Regulus to TELL him the address, he just needs him to bring him to the front gate or give him the written address on a piece of parchment. The plan is to do this in the week leading up to Halloween, as he wants to carry out the actual murders on Halloween itself." All of this came out a a huge jumble of words, it sounded like he didn't even slow down to take a breath.

"Peter, slow down, breathe. Try saying all of that again, but slower." I replied

He repeated himself, slower this time as he was happy to just get it off his chest.

"Ok, take a deep breath Peter, we can prevent this. You said something before he plans on initiating this, we can work with that. Stay here, I'll be right back."

I had to get Sirius, if the plan was to use Regulus to get to James and Lily through Sirius, he needed to know what was going on. Thankfully I knew exactly where it was that he lived, so it wasn't that hard to find him. Apparating to Sirius's front door, I tried to knock as loudly as I could, it was still morning and Sirius has a really bad habit of sleeping past noon.

"WHAT?!?! Good God am I being raided by the fucking Ministry? Fuck's sake!" he yelled, I could tell he was getting closer to the door by the fact his voice was getting louder

He groaned and rolled his eyes when he opened the door, he knows that I know how much he hates being woken up.

"Really? I'd like to see your Auror's license, there's absolutely no need for you to be banging on my door that loudly at this ungodly hour unless you're here to arrest me. I'd also like to know the charges, because whoever told you whatever it was is framing me." Sirius groaned

"First, it's 10 in the morning. Second, I'm not an Auror, Sirius, you know that and if you were to be charged with something by the Ministry there's a 9 out of 10 chance you did whatever they say you did and a 100 percent chance you were drunk while doing it. We need to talk." I replied

"You want to talk after a statement like that? Get in here before someone sees you, I have a reputation to keep and you damned well don't fit it."

I walked past him, finding his apartment a complete disaster, which I didn't find surprising in the slightest.

"Now what do you want?" he asked angerily

"Peter said something concerning that involves you. I know you still haven't forgiven him for what he did and that's completely understandable, but I need you to come with me. Just give him 5 minutes to explain this to you, you don't have to believe him but at least if it starts to happen you'll know what's going on."

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