Making Plans

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*Please remember that this book does NOT follow JKR's books or timeline, the incident where Severus called Lily a 'Mudblood' never takes place in this book!*

Dating Xenophilius was absolutely amazing, he's sweet, loving, he always tries to make me smile, he was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for!

The other upside to the past 5 months was that James and his friends had left both of us alone.... Until today! I got up and got dressed like normal, picking out an outfit that was definitely unique. Lily had asked me to do it as some sort of test for my brother, and while I found it to be an odd request, I knew why she'd asked.

She likes him but she doesn't like the bullying, so asking me to wear 'one of the most unique outfits you can think of' is one way she can secretly test him without him knowing. I had something in mind when she asked, I'd been wanting to wear it anyway, and now that it was June I finally could!

 I had something in mind when she asked, I'd been wanting to wear it anyway, and now that it was June I finally could!

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"Ok Lils, what about this?" I did a little spin, showing her the entire outfit.

"It's definitely unique, at least it matches. I think you're one of the only people I know that could pull that off confidently Y/N." She answered

"Thanks? I think?"

"It was meant as a compliment, you look nice. The outfit definitely screams 'Y/N!'"

"Now time to test some Marauders!"

"Not all of them, just the one."

"They're all the same person, just different personalities." I laughed at my own joke

"If you say so, let's go"

We walked down to the common room and as always Sirius couldn't help but snicker to himself, at least it was quietly now instead of down right laughing, but James pulled me to the side of the room almost immediately after I got down the stairs.

"What are you doing Y/N?" He was clearly annoyed about the outfit

"I was actually asked to wear this" I answered

"Your boyfriend doesn't count!" While he was now yelling, it was a whispered yell as to not draw attention

"Actually Lily asked me to wear this, something about some sort of test for a specific Marauder. If you were Sirius, you would've failed..... MISERABLY! I know you don't like the outfit but if you keep your mouth shut you might stand a chance of her dating you at some point in time."

"She asked you to wear THAT?"

"Not directly, she said 'the most unique outfit you can think of', she asked last night."

"Are you still going to help me 'woo' her as you put it? You promised me back in January, when you started dating that Ravenclaw guy."

"The Ravenclaw guy has a name.... it's Xenophilius, but yes I'll help you. Walk with me, I have things to do today. If you want help we're doing it on my schedule, not yours."

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