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Come Halloween, the plan was going exactly how Sirius wanted it to. Regulus had in fact showed up at his apartment not even 2 days after Peter told us about Voldemort's plan, the entire situation was killing Sirius inside. All Sirius had ever wanted was a decent relationship with his brother, and Regulus was finally giving him exactly that, the part that hurt him the most was that he knew it was all a charade.

I showed up at James and Lily's house right on time, getting there around 5 that night, I'd already set up an expandable play pen, as well as a pack and play, at the safe house Peter was staying at. This was going to be a LONG night, and both babies were probably going to wind up falling asleep before it was over.

Xenophilius went to the safe house ahead of me, I didn't want him to be some sort of target if Sirius's plan went south, while Luna and I went to James and Lily's house for 'Trick-Or-Treating'.

I knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer, while Lily absolutely hates when I do this our plan revolved around it. Voldemort had sent Regulus with a handful of other death eaters to stake out the house after they were given the address, they needed to think James and Lily were home!

James rolled his eyes when he finally opened the door.

"How many times do we have to tell you not to knock?" He asked

"I like annoying you, and the tiny baby unicorn hasn't been invited in. Luna insisted I bring the unicorn instead of her." I replied

It sounded absolutely ridiculous to say this out loud but when Luna started giggling at it, it made it worth it. James looked annoyed with the statement until Luna started with her giggles, which were met by a smile.

"Fine, the baby unicorn is allowed. She'll fit right in with the talking lion in the living room. I'll warn you, his favorite word is currently 'no'."

Walking into the living room, I sat Luna on the floor next to Harry before motioning for James to follow me into the kitchen where Lily currently was. Once there, I put up a silencing spell to prevent any eavesdropping death eaters nearby from hearing our conversation.

"What are you doing Y/N? Is that really necessary?" James asked

"Yes, unfortunately, it is." I answered

"What's going on?" Lily asked

"Last week Peter told Sirius and I about a plan to infiltrate the Order from the inside, unknowingly." I started

"Didn't we already solve that problem?" James interrupted, I glared at him before continuing my little speech

"It's rude to interrupt Jamesie, now listen. As I was saying, this plan is different. This plan was a backup plan, made after I said no to Peter's request the first time he asked me to write down the address for him." The nickname received another eye roll

"Go on, I don't like the way this is going"

"Their new plan is to use Regulus to go through Sirius."

"Regulus is dead..."

"Sirius thought the same thing, but that was proven false when Peter proved that what he was telling us was true by using Sirius's pensieve. Whoever told Sirius about Regulus's supposed death lied to him."

"That's a little heartless but ok"

"Not even 2 days after Peter told us about this plan, Regulus showed up at Sirius's front door. The plan Sirius came up with was that I'd write down the address for him and he'd give it to Regulus after he asked."

"I don't like this plan"

"We're not going Trick-Or-Treating tonight, we're going to Peter's, Sirius is waiting for us there right now. Once we arrive, he'll apparate here with Peter. There's a reason I had to knock on the front door tonight, and it has nothing to do with Luna's costume, the address was given to Regulus yesterday afternoon. Your house is currently surrounded by at least half a dozen death eaters, and it has been for at least the last 12 hours."

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