Don't Get Your Hopes Up

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I was confused by the fact we were at Lily and James's house but I wasn't complaining either, while I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to be alone either.

"Why are we here?" Xenophilius asked, looking at Lily confused as I walked through the door and into the living room.

"She shouldn't be alone right now, she needs all the support she can get at the moment." Lily answered

"Alone? Why would she be alone? I still have no idea what's going on."

"I'm not trying to sound rude Xenophilius but you have a habit of working a lot, Y/N spends most of her days either working or helping me set up Harry's nursery. That's not exactly 'spending time with her'."

While I couldn't see either of them, I could hear the irritation in Lily's voice, I could also tell that Xenophilius was getting pissed at her accusations.

"Are you insinuating that I neglect my wife?" Xenophilius typically doesn't yell, but his voice was definitely starting to get louder at this point.

Sirius, who was sitting on the couch, looked at me confused before looking towards the doorway leading towards the hallway.

"I didn't say that, I'm just saying you could spend a little less time working and a little more time with her. She needs to be surrounded by family and loved ones right now, being alone in an empty house is the last thing she needs at the moment." Lily replied

"So now I'm not family anymore? Or even a 'loved one'? On top of neglecting my wife and leaving her 'alone in an empty house'?" The argument was starting to get loud at this point.

Sirius and I both looked at each other and I started mouthing something to him to try and not escalate their fight anymore.

'Where's James?'

'Upstairs....' Sirius nodded towards the back staircase leading up to the second floor that's in the living room.

"I didn't say any of that. Of course she loves you and you'll always be family, you're taking it the wrong way." While Lily wasn't wrong, she was definitely saying things in a horrible way.

"Taking it the wrong way? 'She needs to be surrounded by family and loved ones right now, being alone in an empty house is the last thing she needs'. That's LITERALLY what you just said!"

I'd started sneaking up the stairs, heading towards my brother's bedroom and knocking on the door.

"What?" James asked

I opened the door, poking my head in the door and looking at him.

"I need your assistance, our spouses have chosen now to have an argument about neglected wives, as well who's family and who's not. Given that I'm currently going through a miscarriage, I really don't have the patience to deal with this at the moment." I replied, I sounded void of emotion but in reality I had gone emotionally numb

"I'm sorry about the baby, I'll be down in a minute."

"YOU CAN'T BACKTRACK FROM WHAT YOU'VE SAID! YOU'VE ALL BUT SAID I NEGLECT MY WIFE AND YOU'VE HEAVILY INSINUATED THAT SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME AND THAT I'M NOT FAMILY!" I couldn't help but jump when Xenophilius started actually yelling, I'm not used to it and it's slightly terrifying that a man as gentle and caring as him can get that mad.... And that loud.

"Oooookkkkkk! We're not waiting apparently, let's go!" James said, walking past me and down the stairs

"James.... He doesn't know about the miscarriage, Lily brought us here right after my appointment and they started fighting almost as soon as we walked through the door. I haven't had time to tell him yet." I was speed walking behind my brother, who was now irritated at the fact someone was yelling at his pregnant wife, not that I could blame him.

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