Saving Pettigrew

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"We have a safe house for you Peter, it's small but since there's only you it should be big enough. You'll have everything you need, there's food, water, other daily essentials like soap. The house is already under the protection of the Fidelius Charm, you can move in immediately." I answered

I'd moved to a kneeling position on the floor in front of my brother's legs, facing Peter, it was less threatening than standing over him imposingly to give him the information I needed to tell him.

"They have a trace on the mark Y/N, a safe house won't work." Peter replied

"Lily and I created a spell to help with that problem. It would remove the mark from your arm, along with the spell he adds to it to track his followers."

"I don't know Y/N"

"It's simple Pettigrew, do you want out of his ranks or not?" James's voice sounded cold

Peter visibly withdrew again, pushing himself further into the sofa he was sitting on.

"James, if you can't be nice then just sit there and look pretty." I whispered through gritted teeth

"Be nice? Be nice? He's tried to annihilate my entire family!" James retorted

"The last thing I want to do is see you or your family get hurt James, you're my friend. You and Lily have been nothing but nice to me. When they came to me, asking me to join them, at first I said no. Then they started threatening me, and saying that only they could keep me safe, that no one in the Order truly cared about me, that you were all just pretending to be my friends to get more members. When Sirius started turning on Remus because of his lycanthropy I didn't know what else to do, it made them look like they'd been right about everyone not actually being my friend and not caring about me."

"Don't blame Sirius for your idiocy!"

This is the moment James knew he fucked up, he actually might have started contemplating all of his life choices by the look on his face. I slowly turned around, glaring daggers at him, and grabbed last month's issue of The Quibbler off the coffee table, rolling it up into a tube before smacking him in the upper arm with it while yelling at him.


James put his hands up to try and protect himself, Peter looked more horrified then before, while Xenophilius was standing in the doorway covering his mouth with his hand in an effort to not smile.

"Alright, ALRIGHT! Stop hitting me! Godric, you remind me of Mum!"

"Good! Maybe you'll listen! Now keep your mouth shut before I jinx you!"

I turned back to Peter, trying my best to not look completely intimidating, he was scared enough as it was.

"Peter, I know you don't want anyone to get hurt, you're not a malicious person. You're scared, that's why we're trying to help you." My voice had gone back to a normal tone.

"How does this spell you and Lily came up with work exactly?" Peter asked

"All I have to do is aim my wand at the mark, say the incantation, and it slowly disappears. It should also remove the tracking spell along with it. I tested it on one of Sirius's tattoos, it worked just fine on him."

"That's it? Why come up with a spell just for me?"

"We made it for anyone who wants to leave his ranks, if you want to be the first one to do that you can be, we wanted to give everyone a way out of their past mistakes."

He started looking back and forth between James and I, he's always looked up to my brother and this situation was clearly no different. It also didn't surprise me, Peter's VERY easily influenced by those around him.

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