for my fox man

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To my dearest fox man,

I write this to you in the hopes that one day it will bring you comfort. That one day you will stumble across these words on a page and somehow know they were meant for you. You are so loved. You are so appreciated. I'm so grateful for everything you do on this earth. I appreciate your smile and the way it's so warming. I appreciate your gentle nature and the way you go about your life. I appreciate your kindness and the willingness to help other people...even if they don't deserve it and even on the days those people have grinded your gears until nothing was left. I appreciate your light jokes and silly voices or impressions when I'm in need of a laugh. I appreciate your car concerts and your singing confidently even though you don't think you're very good. I appreciate your paternal nature - you always checking in and you always making sure enough food was had and that someone is comfortable. I appreciate how you make me feel so safe when I'm around you and I appreciate the feeling of knowing that if I were in harms way you would do whatever you could to make sure I was okay.
I appreciate the way you care for animals and the love you have toward them. I appreciate the freedom you have given me. I appreciate your love and knowledge for plants and how your eyes glisten when you talk about them. I appreciate the quality time you spend with me...even if we are both napping in front of the TV. I appreciate the trust you hold in me. I appreciate you. The list of things I appreciate about you could go on forever so I will stop here.
But Mr fox man please don't ever feel like no one appreciates you because I will always appreciate the things you do.

Sincerely Yours,Where stories live. Discover now