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Love is only a four letter word. But it's a four letter word that will always hurt.

You once told me you loved me because my eyes looked like honey and held galaxies in them that only I could possess. You once told Me you loved me because my smile spread like butter and made everyone else smile around me. You once told me you loved me because of how I'd curl up into your arms. You once told me you loved me because of how I made you feel. You once told me you loved me because of my laugh and how you'd always tell jokes just so you could hear it. You once told me you loved me because of my mind and the way it thinks.

But one day you decided that you no longer liked honey, and you no longer ate butter. You no longer opened your arms for me. You no longer felt a thing. You stopped telling jokes and you stopped listening to me when I spoke. But perhaps it was all my fault.

I gave you a loaded gun, and prayed that you wouldn't pull the trigger.

- you did

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