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It scares me to think that if my last job hadn't of cut my hours, I never would be where I am today.

If I didn't find the courage to firstly leave my supermarket job, I wouldn't have even had the last job that brought me to where I am.

We weren't making as much money as we once were and because I was the last hired and there were two of us in my role, they took my thirty-seven and a half hours and cut them down to twenty-four hours a week. They told me this the day I signed for a $420 a week rental. I cried so hard that day, frantically doing the maths to see if I could even afford a rental after that. The day they told me that, my heart shattered a little. I think part of me genuinely broke. My mental health was at an all time low because of my at the time living situation, my relationship with friends and family quickly deteriorating because of it and I had only just bought a car that I had a $5,000 loan to pay off as well.

It seemed impossible. Like I wouldn't be able to move, that I wouldn't be able to afford my loan and would have to refinance and that my mental health and relationships were going to keep being sour. That night I applied for 12 jobs that I felt I was somewhat qualified for. The next day I got a call for an interview, he was that eager he wanted to do it the same day and I had to tell him I was still working and needed to schedule it in. I got a second interview for another place that just seemed like absolute chaos and then not too long after, a third interview for a place that would later become my job.

Truth be told I couldn't even remember what I had applied for and had no clue what company I was walking into but re-read the advert for the position and figured I would be good at it considering a lot of what was required I was already doing at the place that made me part time. I went for it. 3 days later they offered me the job and I immediately accepted and wrote my resignation right there on the spot whilst still working.

I think of how much my life has changed in the last two years. So many things have happened. I've met so many people. I've done so many things. I've lived, I've loved, I've lost. But I've also won.

Not many things are certain In life, but one thing is. Nothing will ever remain the same.

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