After thought

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I am an after thought. I'm at the very back of your mind or not even in it at all. I'm not the person you want to talk to when you're happy or the person you run to when you get sad. I'm not a priority. I don't even think I'm a person to you. 

But I still loved you. I still longed for you. You were the person I wanted to tell when something made me happy and you were the person I ran to when I was sad. You see me but you don't notice me. You touch me but you dont hold me. You kiss me, but you don't kiss me. And I settled for that.  Because it was you. 

You had me. You had all of me. Until you didn't. And to be honest, I think part of me will always belong to you. Part of me died that night. In that room. In the dark. Lifeless and used. You killed a version of me that night and I don't think I will ever be able to get her back. You promised you would never hurt me. You promised you'd keep me safe and you lied. I never thought you'd do that. 

Sincerely Yours,Where stories live. Discover now