Chapter 1 - A Head Start

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TommyInnit, one of greatest people of all time, did not like hero's. Shocking, I know. But ever since his best friend was burned alive in an orphanage long ago, he couldn't trust heros anymore. He called for help, looking for the heros to come in and save the day. But, they never shown up, leaving what closest to him burn.

From that day on, he decided it was time for him to shine. Not to shine in the spotlight of what a hero or a vigilante would get. But the spotlight only a villain would get... Destruction, chaos, corrupted power, and revenge. Sweet revenge is all he wanted for his long lost friend and him.

Sure, maybe his friend wouldn't have wanted this but, once he started... He couldn't stop. Finding joy in causing a ruckus and ruining anyone's day in just by using his ability.

But he never used his power though, for which it caused the fire in the first place. He never knew what it was until that fateful day. So for now he used gadgets made by his roommate, Tubbo. He only uses his power if it's an emergency or he needs to charge up one of Tubbo's gadgets.

And if you are wondering, his ability is electricity. Being able to shoot out sparks of hot and stinging light out of his body to either harm or destroy something. So far it's only use has been to charge gadgets... Until today of course.

Enjoy the story of the villain who is named 'Thesues'...


The night is cool, a gentle breeze floats through the air calmly as the stars twinkled throughout the pitch black sky. Tommy who is sitting on the top of a building enjoying it. Looking out on the city of South L'manburg. Not a care in the world he might add.

But something was off, it was a bit too relaxing as if this was just a setup for a movie scene for some people going on a 'romantic' date.

This set Tommy off a bit, he decided to stand up for a minute so if he needs to run... He can. As he thought that out he heard something behind him, creeping in on him as if he couldn't notice. He swiftly turn around with his taser out pointing it to the faint sound of walking. But to his surprise nothing was there. Suspicious.

'This is not pog' he thought to himself. So what did he do? Tommy ran to his right, jumping off the building he was on to the next. And as he expected, because he's so damn smart, he heard louder and fast-paced foot steps follow after him.

So predictable, such an old maneuver too, why can't anyone think of an new technique these days? Why can't people just be as smart as Tommy? Well probably because they never can be as smart as Tommy! The very charming, pog, charismatic, and intelligent Tommy.

As he thought about great and smart he was, he ran into a tall figure and falling on the cold roof of a building. 'ah shit' he thought to himself as he was being pulled up by his black turtle neck shirt.

The figure pulls their faces close together until their was a few inches away from each other. After realizing what Tommy was looking at, he froze. Noticing the familiar long pink hair and the hog mask which shows his glowing white eyes.

It was The Blade. One of the strongest heros known to man. Holy shit... He's so dead.

"Caught him" says The Blade with a confident but low tone as he was moving Tommy father away from his face.

"What the fuck, I was going catch him" Tommy turned his head around to the voice. What. The. Fuck. Apparently the person who was chasing him was Jubilee. Obviously known for his ability to control anyone with his voice.

Now he's double dead.

"Well it doesn't matter because I won the bet, now you owe me." He chuckled a bit, but it definitely wasn't one of those 'funny time' laughs. It sent a shiver down Tommy's spine.

"Fuck off, come on now we need to send him to HQ and figure out if he's going to jail or whatever."

No-No, no, no, no, no, no, no he cant go to jail! He still had so many pog things to do as a villain. And the fact that his roommates we're going to notice he was gone. He's in deep shit now.

Now, of course, Tommy was super intelligent. He can figure a way out of this right? Yeah, yeah he's got this in the bag. I guess it's time for his secret maneuver.

He kicked Jubilee in the balls.

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