Chapter 10 - The New Guy

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Happy Christmas Eve!

I hope you have a wonderful day and an amazing Christmas (or Hanukkah)!

Happy Holidays!


After Puffy left, he waited for customers to come in as he layed arms on the counter and Wilbur went back to wiping down tables after him awkwardly standing there for a few minutes.

A customer finally walked in and Tommy took the order, Earl Grey was the customers tea choice. Tommy called Wilbur over to teach him how to make it. Thankfully Wilbur easily caught on and made the tea with perfection. The customer was pleased, leaving a tip and leaving.

Tommy kinda felt proud of Wilbur, of course he would never admit that so instead he gave Wilbur a small grin and a pat on the shoulder. This made Wilbur turn his face away from the child and swat his hand away, Tommy felt offended by this.

"I could have just bit you, you ungrateful shit"

"I don't need a pat on the shoulder from some gremlin" Wilbur replied still looking away from the boy, was he embarrassed?

"Dude, mate, if you feel embarrassed you could just say so." Wilbur stayed silent for a moment, having a expression on his face that makes him look like he's thinking. Maybe he is embarrassed like bitch he is.

"Pfft, whatever, let's just- continue our shift." He walked away from Tommy, going back to cleaning the dining area. Tommy decided to ignore his rudeness and move on, he might just be having a bad day. Or was it his fault? What if he's the reason Wilburs in such a pissy mood? What did he do?

He shook his head to hopefully get rid of the thoughts that poison his brain and continued working.

After some time passed Tommy and Wilbur have set up a unofficial routine, Wilbur will clean where the customers sit and Tommy cleans the stuff behind the counter. When a customer walks in Tommy will teach Wilbur how to make the drink, then Wilbur will make the desired drink and the cycle will continue.


4:15pm. Niki had finally left the café and left two baskets of pastries for Wilbur and Tommy on the counter next to register. Tommy waved his hand goodbye as she slowly disappears from his vision. He knew now the rest of his shift would be easy since the lunch rush has been over for awhile now, he just had to deal with tall fuck that's wiping the seats down.

"So Tommy," Wilbur started, breaking the silence.

"Have any interests?"

"Idk... Music I guess"

"Do you write songs or play an instrument?" This Wilbur dude didn't know how to shut up does he?

"Neither, I listen to it." Wilbur looked at him for a moment, Tommy found it hard to read his face so he wasn't really sure what he was thinking.

"I should bring my guitar when I come back for work tomorrow, then you can listen to some of my songs-"

"You play guitar?!" Tommy shouted, he froze to the thought of what he just did, getting all excited over some guy that played guitar. Tommy felt a bit sheepish now.

"I mean- you play the guitar?" He said much more calmer, hoping that Wilbur would just ignore what he did the first time. Wilbur silently giggled to himself at this.

"Yes I do, been working on my skills for a couple years now as well." Okay, Tommy can admit, this guy was fucking poggers. Tommy's always wanted to play guitar since forever, it's always been a big dream of his that he would block out. There is no time for day dreaming when money is meant to be made, one of his dad's sayings.

"I can teach if you want," Tommy eyes start glimmer even more "but we need to become closer friends for that" back to plain blue eyes for Tommy.

After that conversation Wilbur would try to start a new one, which always ended quickly because of Tommy's dry responses always say "yep" or "No bitch".


After a couple of hours of dead end conversations, it was time to close the close café so Tommy showed how to clean the supplies and refill the ingredients, they both took their basket's of goodies and walked out the door. Tommy locked the glass door behind them and they both said their farewells, walking in different directions.

Tommy wanted to continue the conversations that Wilbur started and he wanted to ask him to teach him how to play the guitar, but he just wasn't comfortable around him enough to talk to him.

It was his fault for being a dick anyways, so he had no right to learn anything from that guy.

Tommy sighed, pulling out his earbuds and putting them in his ears and walked with the Able Sisters.


He finally reached home, seeing Tubbo and Ranboo both sitting on the couch as their stuck to the screen that had a documentary about butterflies on it.


"Hey Tommy" Tubbo said filled with exhaustion, probably because of training today.

"... you both look like shit-"

"Yeah, yeah, we know we look like crap." Ranboo said cutting off Tommy, this is why Tubbo is his favorite.

"Are you going out tonight to cause crime, Tommy?"

"I guess so, not really tired so might as well get my energy out" Tommy responded sounding prideful in that.

"Okay, I washed your costume, it should still be on your bed"

"Thanks Ranboo"

"No problem, just please don't get killed"

"No promises" Tommy commented, rushing to his bedroom to fetch his disguise.

He put it on and ran back to the long room, reminding Tubbo and Ranboo he'll be gone for a bit and the pastries are in the kitchen. They said goodbye to each other and Tommy walked out of the apartment, starting his great schemes.

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