Chapter 2 - Perfect Timing

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Jubilee who has recently got kicked in the balls, had crumbled to the ground on his knees and looks like he's on verge of crying. The Blade who looks dumbfounded, starts to burst out laughing. You would think he would be angry but they're dumb hero's, what do you expect?

While The Blade was laughing until he couldn't breathe, he didn't seem to realize he's loosened his grip on Tommy.

Just enough.

Tommy had wiggled his way through The Blade's strong grasp and managed to escape.

Tommy runs off the building and falls down to the never ending streets. Luckily for him, he remembers those twists and turns like it was the back of his hand.

Immediately Jubilee and The Blade notice his disappearance into the alleyways and follows after him,
hoping they weren't to far behind to catch him. Tommyinnit believes that he would easily be able to get them off his tail through this giant maze of alleyways.


He infact did not get them off his tail through this giant maze of alleyways. They have actually managed to lead Tommy into a dead end. Who would have known that the hero's were actually pretty smart.

His taser broke when his the edge of building while he was running in a alleyway, trying to get away from the hero's.

But now Tommy is cornered by Jubilee and The Blade, no where to go but up.

He quickly tried to climb up the pipes and loose bricks of the building but was immediately dragged back down by the grip on his ankle. Causing him to stumble back down on the harsh, dirty floor of the alleyway.

"You're making our jobs way to easy for us" The Blade as hovered over Tommy.

"She the fuck up Blade, he kicked me in the balls"

"And how is that my problem?"

"You let him get away for a moment"

"Last time I checked, Theseus is on the ground of an alleyway after being pulled down by The Blade"

"But still-"

"Does even matter at this point? We done our job and we let the system do the rest"

Almost immediately Tommy felt a sharp grip on his wrist. Tommy didn't like that.

It made him remember of the poor boy long before the orphanage. With his parents. Remembering that same sharp grip he got before was beat or swung across a room. Remembering how hopeless he was into ever being able to escape that hell of household. It all came back way to fast. All the memories of everything he has went through. It was just too much.

No he didn't want that again, he can't go back. Please let him go. Please... He doesn't want the pain anymore. He promises to do better. Just let him go.


That was the next sound he heard before seeing little lights of electricity. Seeing the almighty Blade fall over onto the ground, gripping his hand as if it going to fall off at any moment.

'on no...'

"What did you do..."

In a split second Tommy felt the urge of having to answer Jubilee's question.

"I shocked him, bitch." Even Jubilee's abilities can't seem to get him to stop sounding like a total girl boss.

" How did you manage to do that?"

"Simple, I used my ability." Tommy immediately realizing what he just said made him shake a bit, not knowing what would they do with their new found information on his ability.

Why the fuck would he say that? That wasn't a very girl boss thing to do. That was the complete opposite of what a girl boss would say-

" So then why don't you use your ability?" That question made him freeze a bit, not long after realizing that he didn't feel the need to answer. Which means Jubilee didn't actually care what he had to say, so he stayed quiet.

"Awe, somebody's a little scared to admit anything now after we found his secret" he said that in a mockingly tone. Tommy didn't like that.

Since they already new what his power was, Tommy think it's finally time to see what this power can actually do.

He took a breathe from the air around him and closed his eyes, he felt a certain energy inside of his heart... An energy he has never felt before. He focused on that while the hero's try to figure out how to get him to HQ without having to touch him.

Suddenly, the darkness of his eyelids turns into a light blue. Opening his eyes to see what has happened to him or the hero's. He was in a place of shock, literally he was in a place full energy that was hot, and fast. The hero's looked at the lines of electricity in disbelief, not knowing what they can do.

Before they could say a word, the energy bottled back into Tommy and shot him up in the air. 'now this is pog' he tells himself still seeing bits of hot, blue light on his red and white high tops.

Tommy always wanted to look at the stars this close, feeling like he can touch one and being able to keep it safe in his arms. That's what he wanted.

His red and white jacket floats with the gadget belt and his black jeans like if they were flying. The black fingerless gloves cover's his lower arm from the cold yet he can feel the breeze through it. The black mask that covered the top half of his face couldn't hide his eyes from the never ending feeling of catching a star.

And then... He drops.

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