Chapter 18 - Blood God

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A week has gone by, and nothing much had happen while in the Wilson's house. During his time of illness Wilbur and Philza would check in on him, Wilbur would laugh and hangout with him and Philza would bring him food and check in on his health. Wilburs brother, Techno, was never home. When he was it would be late in the night or early in the morning, apparently he had "things to deal with at work." Kinda suspicious as hell but he has no right to judge, with him being a villain and causing problems late in the night and such.

When he got home though, something had changed. His friends stayed out longer and they stated that it was because "training camp gave them more work." Tommy didn't question it, he trusted his friend and if they had a reason to hide something from him it would be for a good reason.


The time was 9:32pm, closing time for the Fluffy Café. Since his friends are never there when he gets home, he decided to take his villain outfit to work. Risky as shit, he knows. But nobody ever questioned it, probably because he hides it under the counter where no one ever checks.

Wilbur and Tommy locked up the café and said there goodbyes with insults as they went in separate directions, when Tommy turned the corner he found the nearest alleyway and changed. He should've planned this out a bit more since it's freezing outside and little bits of frost were falling from the sky.

He is now Theseus... The villain who has waited a long time to shine because of his sickness. He grabbed the grappling hook off of his belt and shot the hook into the air, landing on an edge of a building, shooting him up onto the building rooftop.

He ran across the buildings looking for a place to cause mischief, then he saw the perfect place... Wall - Mart.


He jumped down off the building with the help of metal steps on the side of the building. He walked into the store to see shelves full of different walls, brick walls, concrete walls, wooden walls. A pretty useless store to be honest since the walls were too small to be actual walls.

Tommy kept his head down and walked up to the counter, the man behind the counter began to speak.

"Hello, need a specific wall? We got any wall you could ever need"

"I would like all your money walls"

"... That's not a wall, dumbass." The man replied with some girl boss attitude, no one girl bosses Tommy.

"Do you want me to kill you with my gun?"

"Aren't you like, a kid? And where did you even get a gun? This is the UK"

"Could you just- give me the money?"

"I mean yeah but I've already called the authorities and they're on there way"

"You're a snitch"

"That's what I do." What a bitch of side character. First, he calls Tommy a dumbass and then he snitches on him. Well Tommy knows one thing for sure, he is not a dumbass. He is the very charming, pog, charismatic, and intelligent Tommy. None of those words says he is a dumbass.

"Fine you greedy fuck, I'll go rob someone else." He turns around to exit the store but he was stopped by a large figure, but it definitely wasn't a wall, it's a person. Looking at the man who blocked his way out he quickly identified who it is, The Blade. Fucking brilliant.

"Hello Theseus"

"Hello Blade, not surprised to see you here"

"Come on you little rat, time to leave"

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Tommy pulled out his gun, aiming it straight between the blades glowing white eyes. Until the pink haired hero put his hand on his gun and crushed it in two seconds. Prick.

"What the hell man!? How dare you crush my gun you prick!" Before he could curse out the hero anymore, he was grabbed by his hood and dragged out of the store.

The Blade brought the boy to alleyway and tossed him onto some trash, Tommy was now even more pissed off than before.

"What the fuck do you want? You going to kill me?"

"I want to ask a question... That's it"

"What with you hero's asking me questions? Can't you guys mind your own business?"

"Who else has been questioning you?" Did he not know about him and Phil- Zephyrus's chats in the night? Is Zephyrus keeping it a secret?

"I- nothing, no one has questioned me but I know you hero's love to question people even if their innocent." Tommy scowled, not breaking eye contact with the taller man as he stood up off the trash.

"... Well come on now what's your question?" Tommy rushed, knowing that the police will arrive any minute.

"... Do you... Want to hurt people?"

"What?" Tommy questioned, lowering his guard with a questioning face.

"Like- do you intend to hurt people when you start committing crimes?"

"Did you not just see me point a gun at you?"

"But I think we both know that, that gun you were holding was not loaded." Silence filled the alley as the bags rustled and twitched due to the rats running over them, the frost filled wind whistling in their ears.

"How the fuck did you know it wasn't loaded?"

"I just know, so can you answer my question now?" The Blade asked in a less demanding way, kinda shocking to be honest.

"... No, I don't want to hurt anyone"

"Why though? You're a villain aren't you?"

"Just because i'm a villain doesn't mean I like dragging innocent people down with me"

"But don't you drag down hero's with your evil schemes"

"But you guys aren't innocent, you people have no heart's, you guys just look good for the camera's so when people like my friend actually needed saving you guys didn't FUCKING SHOW UP!" Tommy yelled, his voice echoed threw the alleyway and the nearby street. But he was only heard by himself and the pinked haired, he seethed as all those emotions he tried to hide while around hero scum's let out. He felt as though tears were about to fall, seeing the hero just standing there not saying anything, just filled with shock just by the way half of his face looked.

Nothing he does can even make a hero look the slightest concerned. It's just that stupid shocked face everyone does when they know too much.

Tommy now feeling too overwhelmed and starting to feel sparks flicker off his hand, pulled out his grappling hook and aimed for the ledge of the building behind him. He fires and it hooked, shooting Tommy in the air away from The Blade. He started to bolt father away from the man, nothing was following after him.

Good. That's what he wanted. That all he needed. For hero's to stop being fucking greedy and wanting to dig through his life. Why would he let Zephyrus question and talk to him for all this time? He is clearly a hero, someone he can't trust. Why would he let The Blade question him? No one and he means NO one should question him. Not anyone.

He was filled to the brim with rage, sorrow and- fear. The blonde boy couldn't explain why but he felt it, it felt real and it's consuming him bit by bit. It was suffocating, it was soul crushing, and it needed to go.

It all needed to go.

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