Chapter 21 - Plan B

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Tommy woke up, fatigue still controlled his body keeping him down but enough strength came back to open his eyes. His vision blurry but clear at the same time, he was in his bedroom. He seems to be waking up in his bedroom a lot more than ever now, but how this time? Wasn't he taken by some hero's or something? Tommy confused now pushed himself up with his shaky arms, yep he's in his bedroom. The blonde turned towards the door as he heard knocking, Niki and Tubbo walk through. Wait- Niki?

Tommy looking at the two with confusion, Niki ran up to him and gave him a hug, Tommy returning the hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Tommy"

"Wait, what's going on?"

"I told Niki about how you got caught in the crossfire of Jubilee's and Theseus's fight, so you can't go to work." Tubbo said emphasizing "you" and "Theseus," which meant they're lying to Niki, great. Tommy trusted Niki and would be fine if she knew since she was like an older sister to him but Tubbo was such bitch about telling people about that.

"Yeah, wait- how did you know about the fight?" Tubbo handed his phone over to Tommy, it was a news video.


The video was then played, him being cradled in Jubilee's arms as the hero shouts something to the other hero's. Then a giant creature that looks like a spider, Shroud most likely, showed up, grabbed him with it's webbing and flung him onto it's back, leaping off into a completely different direction from the hero's. The hero's started moving and the video cut out.

Tommy confused more now than ever started having questions flow through his brain. How did someone video that? Was it a hero or a bystander? Why didn't they announce who they were so they can get credit? Shaking his head out of his thoughts he looked down at his lap, Shroud looking up at him with concern. Tommy just grinned at the small arthropod, mouthing "thank you" to him and the spider somehow smiled. Tommy is a great dad, raising such a talented son.

"Tommy, once Niki leaves we'll have a little chat." Tubbo announced, looking saddened a bit.

"Oh, I can leave now if you guys need to chat"

"You don't have to-"

"No no it's fine, I have to get back to uh- work! Yes, work." The woman with her newly bleached tips left the room in a hurry, kinda weird but Tommy wasn't worried about it.

The two boys left in the room stared at each other for a bit, till the bee boy started speaking.

"Tommy, we're in some trouble"

"Wait- why?"

"Well..." Tubbo spoke hesitating to say his next words, but before he could continue Ranboo teleported in the room with a worried look as the purple particles fade from around him.

"Ah, just the guy I wanted to see! So do you know if we can sneak back in?"

"Absolutely not, we will never be able to get back in there without being arrested"

"Well that's great Ranboo but can someone tell me please what the fuck is going on!?" Tommy said lifting his tone, Ranboo and Tubbo glanced at each other before going back to Tommy's blue eyes.

"Me and Ranboo are suspects of possible people that are working with Theseus." Tommy's eyes widened, his mind racing of how they figured that out. The fight with Dream and The Blade, they got him out of that situation when he was dressed as Theseus. But his friends have told the hero's there reasoning and they agreed with it, so how?

"Don't worry Tommy, they don't technically know that we're helping you. They are just supervising us 24/7 until they can prove us to not be guilty of betrayal"

"Then where are the hero's?" Tommy questioned, whipping his head around as if he could find the hero's easily.

"Well um that's where the 'were in trouble' thing comes from, well specifically me and Ranboo are in trouble." Tubbo said giggling nervously as he fiddle's with his fingers.

"So we ran away from the training camp even though me and Ranboo was suppose to stay there for like- a couple of months until we were proven that we were not helping Theseus. But since we left the facility without permission... They are looking for us"

The trio tensed up at that last part, so much uncertainty comes with that. Will they find them? What are they going to do if they figure out Tommy's identity? How are they going to get information from hero's when they couldn't even get near the one source that they had?

As if Tubbo could hear his thoughts, the burnt skinned male put a piece of paper in the worried blonde's lap, Tommy looking at the paper with curiosity.

"Tommy I know you're not going to want to do this but, this will help us get the information we need from the hero's." Tubbo placed his index finger on the bolded letters on the top of the page, it said "HELP WANTED." Tommy kept reading below it, him stopping at a few words that he did not want to finish.

"Tubbo, no-"

"You have to! How else are we going to retrieve the information we need in order to keep you from getting captured?"

"Ranboo can teleport inside, sneak around and boom! The information we need is ours"

"Now, you know damn well that won't work." Tubbo responded crossing his arms, Ranboo nodding in agreeance. Another bitch move from big foots rip off. Tommy sighed in annoyance, he really didn't want to go through with Tubbo's plan but what can he even do to gather information without being put in jail?

"If I take this job... You have to clean my laundry for three months." Tommy announced, pointing at Ranboo.

"Oh no, no no no no no you are not making me do that"

"Well- enjoy knowing I can get kidnapped and that's all because you didn't want to clean some laundry." Ranboo just stared at him, with confusion and a bit of anger. In the end Ranboo sighed and nodded in defeat, Tommy thought to himself how much of a master he is at manipulation.

Tommy looked at the two other boys in the room before he spoke.

"I hate you guys for getting caught..."

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