Chapter 20 - 4 v 1

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Tommy, dashing over buildings made of brick and stone with rain pouring down on his clothes, every breath and every step filling him with exhilaration. He even let a few small sparks out of his palms, this is what makes him feel alive. The freedom, the excitement of what's to come, the feeling of anxiety, stress, and worry all disappearing at once. Giving him somewhat type of peace of mind.

It was all so refreshing.

Until he slipped, making him fall on the wet roof of a an apartment complex. Kinda embarrassing but not enough for Tommy to feel ashamed. He got up, looking down upon his now scratched up hands that had little droplets of blood and water mix together. He scoffed, walking to the edge of the building to see where he should move next since he's been knocked off his rhythm.

"Nice landing, rat." A voice appeared from behind him, making him shoot his head around staring dead straight at the man he was pretty much expecting to see. Jubilee, the prick of all hero's. The blonde rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Do you literally have nothing else to do?"

"What do you mean, this is literally my job"

"Well it's a pretty stupid job." Tommy responded with truth written all over it, Jubilee just grinned menacingly... Suspicious as fuck.

"Okay I'mma head out, thanks for nothing-" As Tommy's hand touched the belt around his waist, he realized that his grappling hook wasn't with him, none of his equipment was with him.

"Looking for something little man?" A woman's voice appeared from his right, looking over to where the voice came from he saw Ivy. Her long curly hair gently pushed by the wind of the rain, the bottom have of her face being covered by red rose's and her eyes glowing green. She has the ability to grow giant plants from the ground with hugs roses and thorns sticking out of the dark green vines. They plants may not be coated with the toxic oil called ivy but one small cut on your body from those thorns and that limb goes numb for 20 minutes, making her power being a bit too over powered in Tommy's opinion.

Looking closer at the vines that stand tall was all his weapons wrapped in thorns and red roses, the grappling hook being swayed side to side in mockingly way. The blonde would not usually say this about women since he  loves them with every bone in his body, but that was a bitch move of her.

Alright, avoid the vines and Jubilee's voice without gear. Can't be that hard, right?

A figure appeared beside Jubilee, dark brown hair that is cut into a military style look. The bottom half of a gas mask hides his mouth and nose as a neon green liquid going through two tubes on the mask makes him pop out from the shadows. Warden, even better. Power to heal, he doesn't fight with his fists but with inventions that he created. Kinda like Tubbo's creations but with more expensive materials.

"I think it's time to pay for your crimes"

"Wow, you're going to make such a big deal out of some messing around"

"That's putting others in danger!" Warden said with a louder tone, Tommy scoffed as a response. Warden reached for something in the small pouch on his side, making the blonde tense a bit more. The only thing that was in his hand was a small cylinder shaped piece of metal, then the piece of metal construct itself into a trident, sparks of electricity shooting off of it. Enough volts to make someone pass out from the intense electricity.

Alright, avoid the vines, Jubilee's voice, and Warden's trident all without gear. A little more difficult but nothing Tommy can't handle.

That was until foot steps echoed behind him on the other building, turning around finding a person with dark chocolate brown hair with a red mushroom with white spots hiding most of it. His face being covered by a black mask and white glasses that look like goggles, a red and white cape flows behind him as some of the glitter on it shines in the street light's. 4O4, the ability to touch someone's head to make them fall asleep. Pretty lame power if you can't reach the enemies head but what makes it better is that he gets to decide when the victim of his power wakes up.

Alright, avoid the vines, Jubilee's voice, Warden's trident, and 4O4's hands. Without weapons... Yeah this is going to be a bit tough.

"W- where's your other musketeers, Jubilee? Or should I say bitch-ateers." Tommy announced, trying to sound confident since his anxiety is slowly rising.

The masked blonde didn't get a reply before vines started growing his way, he quickly moved out of the way to avoid the knife like thorns. The vine missed. Not even a second later 4O4 launched himself at Tommy, the blonde stepping to the side avoiding the touch of the hero. Jubilee came at him, missed, Warden charged at him with his giant fork, missed, all the hero's were missing every punch they throw at him. The boy quickly realized why, those dumbass hero's are doing it on purpose, trying to tire him out so he would eventually slip up and get hit.

He needed to get out of the situation quickly.

Tommy running one direction was immediately stopped by the feeling of electricity shocked through him, Warden's home made electricity.

"SHIT!" He cried out, crumbling onto the ground under him as sparks of blue shoot off his skin. He was glowing blue, he felt energy and fatigue hit him at once, the spark inside him wanting to escape as he kept it in. Letting go this amount of energy at once will kill those around him, that's not what he wants.

He wants to show that hero's are useless by causing trouble, but killing them... That's just pure evil. Yeah, he technically is on the side of evil but that doesn't mean he wants to kill anyone, not even stupid hero's.

He slowly looked up, squinting of what's infront of the building. A street light with it's orangish glow settling on the road below. Tommy took a breath of the air around him, lift his hand, and let go. A monstrous bolt of lightning shot from out his hand, taking the role of what the street light did but ten times brighter and more blue. The street light that once stood so tall exploded, filling the air with hot air and fire for five seconds until it became nothing but the smell of smokes and remains of the machinery that no longer shine light to the street below.

Tommy dropped his hand back down onto the cold roof of the building, breathing heavily even though he hasn't done much but avoid hits and get shocked. He felt arms scooping him up off the ground, looking at what picked him up he saw Jubilee's ugly blue bandana covering his eyes.

"Theseus, sleep." With one simple command Tommy closed his eyes, sinking into the hero's arms.

No matter how much he refused the command he still fell back into slumber.

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