Chapter 13 - A Friendly Meal

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Through out their shift Wilbur played his guitar while Tommy listened to the soft tunes of the strings vibrations. The customers who came in were very pleased with the music, dropping a few coins in the tip jar before leaving.

Tommy was at peace for the first time while he is awake, the smells, the music, the sun that lights up the room, it was all so peaceful. Tommy wanted to stay in this moment forever.

Time flows by as the sunlight trickled out of the room, leaving it to the lights on the ceiling to light the room. But the sounds from the guitar still moved throughout the room, still keeping the peace.

When the last costumer left, the strings on the guitar stopped moving.

"Well, it's time to close the café." Tommy looking shocked, he quickly pulled out phone to see the time. 9:35. It is closing time. Tommy let out a great sigh and started to help Wilbur close the shop, wiping down stuff and refilling the containers.

Wilbur and Tommy walked out the door, Tommy locking the door behind. He was just about to say bye but Wilbur had already started talking.

"Tommy I know this might sound strange but... Do you want to get dinner with me?"... 'What is this guy on' Tommy thought.

"You know I'm poor right?"

"I'll pay, don't worry." He'll pay for Tommy's dinner? Is he actually being kind? No, this guy wants something but what could it be? He doesn't know his powers, he doesn't know he's the amazing Theseus, maybe he wants to pity him? But he didn't really know Tommy was a poor orphan who lost his best friend in a fire. So what is it?

Tommy looked at the tall man to see he has a confused look on his face, probably because Tommy was just standing there and not responding.

"I don't know man, I don't want to owe you anything"

"It's fine Tommy, I really could care less about you paying me back"



They are both now standing infront of a glass door with a flashing sign saying open, posters of what seems like the menu and the news taped onto the door. One of the news titles had a big bold text that stated 'THESEUS IS A HERO?' Tommy still can't believe that people were still going on about it, he did one good thing and all of a sudden people started talking about him.

He sighed, turning back to Wilbur who was also looking back at him.

"Are you sure you want to pay for my food? And are also sure you want to hang out with me?"

"Don't be silly Tommy, I feel like we made a good foundation for our friendship today, it's only right that we celebrate"

Friendship? That's why they were they're, that... Sounds kinda nice actually.

Tommy was then broken from his thoughts by the door opening, Wilbur is holding it open and gesturing his hand to come in. Tommy took a deep breath in and walked in.

The inside of the diner had a 90's look to it, with it's bright blue walls and the black and white checkered floors. The two boys walked up to the counter to see a tall demon like creature behind it.

"Hello Wilbur so great to see you again! And um, who's this?" The demon pointed his finger at Tommy, doesn't he know pointing is rude.

"Oh this is Tommy, he's my new friend"

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