Chapter 11 - One Big Man

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I just want to say thank you for all the support and I know this sounds cliche but it does mean a lot to me!

Merry Christmas ( or Hanukkah) to you guys and do very pog things!


At this point, Tommy has robbed a store and pick pocket someone but he only stole some gum from the store and got $7.25 off of the dude. Wasn't a lot but still enough to get him in trouble, that's why there is red and blue lights that trace the streets of South L'manburg.

Even though Tommy had not been caught yet, he ended up getting a bullet in his leg from a cop that was chasing him. The small hole in his leg was leaking blood and gave a shock through Tommy's body if he moved, this was not one Tommy's best moments.

He lays on the cold concrete of a roof clinging on onto his left leg tightly, trying to hold back a scream of pain. He remains as still as possible to keep the pain from growing.

Then... He heard footsteps behind him.

Shit. That- that's not good.

He starts to fill his hand with electric energy, his hand starts to glow a light blue as sparks flicker around his hand.

"Please don't shock me mate." That voice, it's so familiar... Not that bitch again.

His glowing hand goes dim and the sparks disappear, he turns his head towards the voice to see the bitch he thought of.

Zephyrus, or Phil, that dumb fucker.

"Are you going to arrest me? Because if so I'm going to shock you"

"No I'm not, just came to see you"

"Well you came to see me die then." Tommy replied back, clearly upset that the bird bastard is back at the wrong time.

Phil's gaze turns down to his leg, his happy look on the bottom half of his face turned concerned. Phil then started to walk closer to Tommy, clearly making him tense at this. He bent down near the injured leg and narrowly looked at it, seeing the blood that had now made a puddle, flow slowly out of the hole in Tommy's leg.

"Okay shit well," Phil started "I'm gonna go quickly to grab something, be right back." And just like that he took off in the dark blue sky leaving Tommy alone, still bleeding. He's a fucking wrongin.

A couple of minutes later the same crow man appeared once again with what looks like a first aid kit.

"Hey mate, sorry that took a bit"

"Oh it's fine, it's not like I'm bleeding out or anything." Phil chuckled a bit a Tommy's exaggerated remark, glad to know death is funny to him.

He sat next to Tommy's injured leg and opened the first aid kit, he pulled out some tweezers, bandage's, alcohol wipes, and a flashlight. Phil reached out his hand towards his leg, Tommy knowing what is going to happen next instinctively scoot away from the man with wings.

"Its alright mate, it will only hurt a little bit." Phil's calm and comforting voice made Tommy's anxiety ease, so he moved over to his original spot to let Phil do his magic.

Phil hold the flashlight over the wound to where he could see and moved the tweezers closer to the bloody hole in Tommy's leg. Tommy turned his head away from the sight, clenching his fist as he only thought of the pain he was going to experience.

Tommy then felt something being dug in his leg, sending waves of pain up his body. A few tears started to fall down his face as he placed his head on the hard, rough ground under them.

"I got it." Tommy looked back at Phil to see him holding bloody tweezers with a bullet, it made Tommy silently gag.

Phil grabs the alcohol wipes and starts wiping his leg where the whole is, then he wrapped the bandages around Tommy's leg with ease. The pain that Tommy felt is more tolerable and his leg was easier to move.

"Thank you... Phil." Phil now had a big smile across his face, it made Tommy's heart feel a bit warm.

"You're welcome, Theseus"

"Well I should be heading out now cause- you know- being chased by the police and all." Tommy announced, standing up and putting most of his weight on his right leg.

"Ya sure you can make it home? I can drop you off near your house if you want me to-"

"No it's fine, I'll manage." Tommy said trying to avoid anymore conversations with him.

"Hm, alright have a safe trip back home then, goodnight"

Wait what? No repeating the question, no arguing with him, no trying to convince him to do what he wants... None of that? That's pretty weird champ.

"Yeah, goodnight." Tommy spoke as he saw Phil's wings start to flutter. He knew he wasn't going to make it back home before passing out of exhaustion, but he didn't want to risk getting Tubbo and Ranboo caught helping him.

He has to make a decision, like, right now.

"Wait!" Tommy yelled, as Phil was only a few feet off the ground. Phil turned his head towards the boy and gently floated back down onto the building.

"Can you... Please drop me off in a alleyway?" Tommy hated asking people to do stuff for him but, what is he going to do? He can't walk home that's for sure.

Once again the man with wings starts to have a big grin on his face, Tommy didn't like the expression on his face because it made him look old.

Phil moved closer to him which made him nervous but he asked Phil to do this so he tried to stay still. Phil then picked him and put him in a bridal position, Tommy swore to himself is that if this bird person puts him in the prison, that he would burn that man's house down once he broke out.

"You ready to fly mate?"

Before he could reply, he was already in the air with wind pushing against his face. Tommy shocked by the unexpected movement wrapped his arms around the hero's neck in a hug like way.

Phil chuckled a bit and continued to fly over the buildings of South L'manburg.

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