Chapter 5 - Oh God, Why Me?

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Tommy trying to focus on the present, he drowned out all the negative thoughts with the voices of The Blade, Dream, and Hell Fire.

" Okay, I understand that you're made at me for... The incident. But in all honesty, I have changed my ways. I now have different ways of questioning-"

"That still doesn't give you the right to kidnapping kids, does it?" Dream had his smile mask on but you can tell he had a sour face on right now after that comment.

"And who's gonna stop me?" A piece of the building that Dream and Hell Fire are standing on was ripped off and lifted it up in the air.

Dream's ability coming into use once again, telekinesis. Very powerful and useful in situations like these, being able to move objects or people with his mind. There's a theory that Dream could move the moon if he really wanted to, obviously Dream would not test that.

Suddenly, the floating piece of concrete and medal was sent flying towards The Blade. Blade easily destroying the large mass of the building just by putting out his fist as he collided with it.

Not a single scratch was made on The Blade's pale skin.

Dream growled at that, clearly angered at Blade for not even being fazed by the chunk of building that was now burst into tinier bits. Tommy has a gut feeling that this won't end well.

" Give it up Dream, I'm not giving up until I leave with them"

"Fine... well I guess you want to leave with corpse's." Just as he said that, Nuke and End were ripped out of Hell Fire's arms. Being dangled over the 100 foot drop between the hero and villains. Tubbo clearly freaking out and Ranboo still snoozing away. Okay, Tommy needed to interfere.

Tommy grabbed his grappling hook and aim for the the new hole in the building, his gun shoots and... It hooks! He jumps off of the building and swings onto the other, perfectly landing inside like the badass he is.

He hears muffled voices above him, sounded like arguing. But for some reason it didn't sound like Dream and Bladess voice's, Dream is arguing with someone else. Who would have thought?

Tommy is now directly under Dream, it was easy to tell where his position was because he was literally yelling. Now that he was here in the perfect moment to strike... He had no idea what he is going to do.

He could probably break the floor under him so Dream would fall through, hopefully to break at least some of his focus on his friends. No, Dream would probably lose all his attention on Ranboo and Tubbo that probably cause them to fall to their death.

Tommy needed a new plan and fast! And then... A little light bulb appeared over his head, he knew the perfect plan to save his friends.

Tommy lifted his hands towards the ceiling, focusing on that certain energy in his heart. The feeling started growing at a fast pace... Then he let it go. Through his hands came out baby blue lights, making stiff movements as they danced upon Tommy's fingertips. So magical and elegant, but violent and deadly. How could something so beautiful be the reason you'll die in a second?

Big question but now was not the time.

He gently placed his fingers on the ceiling, seeing the bright lines of electricity fade into the white, smooth ceiling. He waited... For a reaction, a noise, something to be sure that he wasn't doing all this for nothing. Then he heard a grunt from above him.

He looked at the window to see two figures falling. One of them screaming and the other silent, his friends are the ones who are going airborne.


And before Tommy knew it, he has already jumped out the window and falling towards Ranboo and Tubbo. The other thing he's falling towards is the ground, not something you want to smash into from falling from the height he's at. Why did he do jump out of the window to his possible death? Have no clue.

Tommy trying to stay focus before he starts rambling on about that question, he starts focusing his attention to his friends and his potential doom. He definitely needs a new plan, fast too.

He eventually caught up to his friends and clinged onto both of them, Tubbo and Ranboo still doing the same thing; screaming and sleeping. Tommy quickly glanced around the area and Tommy found the perfect opportunity to once again use his grappling hook.

Pointing the gun shaped weapon at the ledge of building, firing the hook towards it. Its flying, they were getting closer to the pavement. It's going, 10 seconds till death greets the three. It's getting closer, 5 more seconds. Almost there, 3...2...1... Its hooked! The long black rope launching them up as they were a few inches away from street that would be their bloody end.

The hook and the gun bit finally being one with each other once again, as the three boys were flipped onto the roof of that life saving edge of the building. All laying their backs on the roof.

"W-what just happened?" Tubbo staring blankly into the sky to think over what has happened, Tommy doing the same and Ranboo...still unconscious.

"I don't even know myself" Tommy responded laughing a bit, but definitely not as in a 'haha funny' moment but as a way to respond to his decreasing adrenaline.

Tommy started to feel sharp pains all over his right arm, not seeming to have noticed the pain before. Looking over to his arm with the pain of wasp stings, he sees red lines drip all over his jacket. Forming multiple rivers of crimson red that soaked onto the rough solid under his body. Pieces of transparent crystals jabbed into his flesh, making Tommy feel disgusted.

Feeling both affliction and exhaustion at once made Tommy want to jump off the roof he was laying on but it only forced him to flutter his eyes, and gently fall asleep.

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