Chapter 22 - New Day, New Problem

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I finally posted another chapter :D

Took me a bit on this one bc I ended up getting food poisoning from a VANILLA FREAKING MILKSHAKE! So that kinda made me want to sleep throughout the days I've been sick (big old L)


"Tommy hurry the fuck up, you're going to be late"

"So what? I don't even want the job." Tommy snapped back, the blonde could hear Tubbo's angry sigh through the door but he didn't really care since his mind is only focused on what to wear, which he shouldn't really care because he's being interviewed by a bunch of asshole hero's who don't really care about people's safety unless they're being filmed.

The blue eyed blonde looked through his closet again to find what to wear, then he saw it. On the floor in the closet sat a yellow turtle neck sweater, Wilbur's sweater to be more precise. He glared at it, not knowing if he should put it on, but know one will know it isn't his, right?

He grabbed the sweater from the floor and quickly put it on, messed with his hair a bit, and walked out of his bedroom to an frustrated Tubbo and an inpatient Ranboo.

"Finally, get on outta here, you're going to be late"

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Tommy walked to the door, not really caring for what what short brunette had to say. Before his hand touched the doorknob, he was pulled back with two arms wrapped around him. Turning his head around to see the tall fuck hugging him, Tubbo joining in shortly after.

"Don't get in trouble"

"No promises." Tommy replied to Ranboo, breaking from the little group hug and walking out of their apartment. Walking through the hallway of the apartment building, he could hear a faint "don't die" from his apartment. He giggled a little.

But to be honest... What could go wrong?


Tommy made it to the subway, full of noises of the tracks shaking, people talking to others or themselves, and squeaks of rats that squirm through the waves of peoples feet. So loud and obnoxious, and it's claustrophobic as fuck. How can anyone think in a hell like this? He took a deep breath, then made his way through the suffocating crowds that remind him of the people at the casino. He made twist and turns, every step feeling like another inch into a void with the smells of perfume and rotting pizza.

Thankfully he arrived at the end of the crowd, but that did leave him standing on the edge of the flooring which the only thing infront of him are the train tracks. He wasn't all that happy of where he stands but it's better than being in the crowd. He looked to his left then to his right, realizing that white lights and the sounds of honking were coming from both ends of the tunnels. That's not good.

His thoughts were racing, questions and thoughts going in loops around his mind. Tommy looked back at the trains that are heading towards each other and made up his mind, he is going to help. Wait- he's going to help?

The blonde fell on one knee, letting his left hand rest on his leg and the other on the floor. He closed his eyes, he felt his heart beating, the muffled voices of confused people, and of course the spark within him. Little bolts of electricity flickered off his skin, opening his eyes to look back to the two trains.

He let go.

Lines of electricity ran along the train tracks going down both of the tunnels eventually touching the train, soon after the screeching of metal filled the railway with it's horrible scream. The trains forcing themselves to slow down but their movement barely changing, Tommy sending more waves of blue light down the rails in hopes that the train would stop.

The trains are surrounded with electricity.

It's not going to stop.

The trains wheels have stopped moving but the train is still going.

Don't even bother.

It's starting to slow down.

Why try? It's a hero's work to stop the train's.

Their getting closer.

Stop. Trying.

... No.

This is not a warning.


The trains finally came to a stop, the two big pieces of machinery being only an inch away from each other. It was a terrifying but a beautiful thing to see, knowing that these two trains could have cost so much damage and death and yet... That didn't happen. It was last second decision from death itself, saying that all of them get to live another day.

Tommy took a sigh of relief, thanking whoever that he managed to make the trains stop. The noise of peoples commanding voice appeared from far in the crowd, hero's.

To quickly avoid any trouble with them, he sent electricity through the floor that it made it's way to the lights on the ceiling. One by one the lights gone out, making the subway darken with every sound of breaking glass. The blonde made his way through the crowds as people around started to be filled with worry, the hero's even started to shout out commands to hide their growing anxiety.

Without a problem, he made his way through and rised to the surface. The light from the sun hurt his eyes, it was hot, it was noisy. But it was so much more bearable than the stuffy depths of the subway. The blonde began to ran far away from the entrance of the subway, making unnatural turns till he felt like he's gone far enough. Taking deep breaths he went on his phone, pulling up maps of the Google to direct him to the training camp.

As he walks the way the woman on his phone told him to go, he rewinds his mind to what happened. Thinking about it made him think of more questions. Why were those trains directed to hit each other? Who changed the trains directions to do that? Were no hero's going to help until the damage was done? Why did he help?

Tommy's attention was returned to reality as the vibration of his phone shook his hand. Looking at the notification, it's a text from Tubbo saying "WTF I HEARD WHAT HAPENED ARE U OK!???" The blonde was surprised that the news had already gotten out, but at the same time glad that the short tempered bee boy does care for him. Tommy replied with "yea I'm fine" and continued on with his journey to the place he dreads going to.

But he couldn't help but to look behind him, having the strange feeling he's being followed.

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