Chapter 16 - New Customers

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Tommy made it to Puffy's café, he was disappointed to not see the brunette with his yellow sweater through the window. The blonde boy sighed as he walked in, Puffy was the one behind the counter instead of the guitarist.

"Hey Tommy! You came in early, everything okay?" Puffy asked, with a concern look on her face as she leaned on the counter.

"No, it's just been filled with fucking stress and being in a situation with hero's." Puffy's eyes widened, immediately raising her arms off the counter to hold Tommy's head in her palms. Tommy flinched to this but not enough to where Puffy noticed.

"Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, physically." Tommy said awkwardly, gently grabbing Puffy's soft hands and pulling them away from his face.

"Then explain the cut on your cheek"

"It's fine I was just rammed into a building because of Siren, it's not even a deep cut, it'll heal." Puffy sighed.

"Stay here, I'll be right back with the med kit." She ran off to the door that leads to the back room, which left Tommy alone. He groaned, he wanted to talk to Wilbur because he knew Puffy would over react and he didn't want her to worry about him.

Puffy is like a mother to him.

Tommy walked behind the counter to continue it wiping down where it looks like Puffy spilt some coffee.

The bell on the door rings.

Tommy lifted his head to be greeted by three men who look tired as hell, Zephyrus, Jubilee, and The Blade.

'You have to be fucking kidding me.'

Tommy swiftly put on his hood and kept his head down, didn't matter much since they had probably seen his face already. But that didn't matter to him, he wants to not let the hero's to talk to him or mess with him until the day he dies.

When are those dumbasses going to start talking? Why are they standing there like a bunch of blind chickens? Oh my prime will they ever stop fucking being idiots and say something?

"Um, sup mate," The man with the stupid fucking bucket hat had finally started talking.

"Can I have a Cappuccino, a Latte macchiato, and what do you want?" Zephyrus turns his head to the pink haired one, Tommy had to admit, that one is the scariest out of the three.

"Surprise me" The Blade's eyes darted towards Tommy with a small grin on his face, sending a shiver down his spine, he seriously didn't want to mess this up.

Tommy silently nodded at the hero's as he grabs two coffee cups and a tea cup, his hands were a bit shaky from the hero's standing over him and watching, Zephyrus, or Phil, took note of this and took a small step back from the counter. This let a little of the pressure on Tommy's shoulders be released.

"May I have a name?"

"Zephyrus." Tommy mumbled 'Should've guessed' under his breath, he rolled his eyes as he went to make the drink, the asshat hero's went and sit down at a wooden table near a window.

Tommy made Zephyrus's and Jubilee's order with ease, doing a few cool tricks while making the desired drinks for the two. Now it was The Blade's drink next, he knew he wanted to make tea for him but what type?

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