Chapter 19 - Little Spider

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Wholesome chapter pog!

BTW thank you guys for all the nice comments and support! I love seeing ur guys feedback on the events in the chapters, it honestly makes me laugh seeing ur guys reaction!

Just in case this is a warning for Arachnophobia (fear of spider[s])

(Also my freaking account glitched and I thought I lost my account so I had a mini heart attack)


Tommy was home, sobbing on his old raggedy bed alone. Tubbo wasn't there, Ranboo wasn't there, Wilbur wasn't there. He is truly alone in this moment. That's what frightened him, he didn't want to be hurt, not the same pain he felt long before.

It still made his heart ache the same way even though that was a few years ago.

He looked outside to try and find comfort, he definitely couldn't find comfort from seeing the side of a brick building. His blue eyes began to fill with more water and the lungs of the boy began to rise and fall faster, there was nothing there that could help.

Then he heard a noise, a faint but noticable sound in room only filled with sounds of a weeping child. Some sounds of light tapping on the window frame, he gave a small glance at the frame with the chipped whit paint. It was... A spider? Not a normal sized one too. It looked to be the size of his hand, pure black with red eyes, doesn't seem like to be a normal spider. Tommy on one hand felt that he should just smash it with a shoe, but on the he felt so intrigued by it, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

The blonde held out his hand, it was shaky and a bit wet from his salty tears, the spider held out one of his legs. The end of the black spiders leg met with Tommy's finger, a few more taps to his pale finger and the spider got closer. Slowly he made it's way up Tommy's hand, then up his arm, pretty wholesome to be honest.

Tommy wiped his eyes with his other hand to get clearer picture, it was adorable even though the spider could be potentially poisonous and could kill him in an instant just from one tiny bite.

This spider though was friendly. He sat on his shoulder, nuzzling himself into the fabric on Tommy's jacket and closing his eye's to fall asleep. This by far is the cutest thing Tommy has ever witness, well besides Tubbo's puppy eyes whenever he wanted something.

He then made himself as comfortable as possible on the bed while he tried not to disturb the spider. Tommy gently placed his hand upon the spider to pet him, the spider is a bit fuzzy and his legs were pretty long while his body was small. He only had seven legs, Tommy theorized that the little spider lost before he got there, he felt very smart thinking that out. The spider also didn't seem to mind Tommy touching him, Tommy's face lit up at this since it is helping him calm down.

Tommy felt peace once again, forgetting about the whole thing with the pig like hero and his worries. The blonde felt tiredness from his break down and started to close his eyes.

Before he fell asleep he tried to think of a name, one name, any name. Then it clicked, he will name the black spider that he instantly fell in love with... Shroud.


Muffled sounds of speaking are around him, he kept his eyes shut in hopes of going back to sleep but of course he didn't. He forced himself off his bed, feeling something heavier beside him but he didn't mind, probably Ranboo being a dumb fuck most likely.

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