Chapter 23 - Robots are Nosey Shits

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Tommy had arrived to the training camp and he will admit it, it was definitely not was what he was expecting. It was a giant white building being surrounded by metal fences, the grass that surrounds the area is a bright green making it look less realistic. The voices of passing hero's and trainees walking around him, they all sounded very kind as they went on about their day or laughed at a joke.

Tommy felt very miserable.

The boy took a breath before walking through the gate and doors of the training camp, the inside made the place more impressive. The floor was made of marble and the walls were decorated with art work, trophies, and photos of new hero's graduating. The blonde who couldn't care much did end up staring at a couple of paintings here and there, he likes to think of himself as an artist.

After a bit of walking, he made it to the front desk, a lady who looks oddly familiar was typing away on the keyboard infront of her. Her gaze met Tommy's and her expression changed dramatically.

"Tommy Innit?" She asked, Tommy confused nodded to the woman somehow knowing his name. The woman adjusted her glasses as if she was seeing things, then began to speak.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Um... No?" Tommy replied, he is pretty uncomfortable in this type of situation, the woman acted surprise that Tommy didn't know who she is.

"I'm Ms. Lemon's, don't you remember?"... Shit. Tommy stepped back in shock, and in a little bit out of fear.

She use to be the administrator of the orphanage he was put in, of course she was a terrible person. Cursing or hitting the poor blonde for pretty much anything he did, eating too much or too little, not doing chores quick enough, or not even getting adopted which wasn't his choice.

Obviously he didn't feel safe at all in this moment which made him want to run away, but this wasn't for his safety, this was for his friends safety and a better way to make money. So he dug his nails into his palms and stood straight, Ms. Demon Bitch had a smug smile on her face giving Tommy the urge to grab a chair and hit her straight on the skull with it.

"How strange, you would be crying by now but... I guess you did grow up. Not much of course"

"Just tell me where to go for the interview, I'm not here to chit chat." Tommy spoke calmly, trying to hold back his venomous words. Ms. Lemons made a "hm" sound as he looked Tommy up and down, she finally started doing her fucking job by typing something in the computer on her desk and faced back to him.

"Go to floor seven, there will be a waiting area for you to go and sit down at. Can you remember that? Or are you going to be the same little kid who couldn't remember their own chores-"

"Bye bitch." Tommy said, leaving the area from where the witch sits. He knew if he had stayed there any longer, he probably would have cursed out that fairy tale antagonist until he would be taken away by security. Even though Tommy refused to argue with he, he still wanted to leave like the girl boss he is, so as he walked off he flipped her off and sent a bit of electricity to her computer. As he reached the elevator he could here a faint scream coming from the lobby, dumb bitch got shocked. Tommy swiped his non existent long hair off of his shoulder as he walked into the open doors of the elevator, he is the girl boss.

The metal doors shut and Tommy pushed the button with the number "7" next to it, the floor immediately began to move which Tommy move his footing a bit. Now it was quiet, this elevator for some reason didn't have music with it which left the small metal box to be filled the sounds of it moving up and the dings as it changed from floor to floor. He was left with his thoughts, that for some reason kept travelling back to the trains, how if he didn't step up and help when no one else did... He could've died. Those people could have died. But he didn't die, no one had to die because of Tommy being a- no. He was not that, he couldn't be that, he's the villain... But why did he help then?

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