Chapter 25 - Dreaming...

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Omg... how long has it been???

I have currently watched the second wine stream of Quackity and Wilbur. Why is this relevant? Well, I hated how this story went, random plot lines and things that makes me want to throw in the towel and not continue this. But, in the wine stream Wilbur said "If you're going to make something bad, don't make it boring".

That inspired me so hard to finish this story no matter what even though it has probably been over a year since I have worked on this. I hope to start publishing regularly every Friday for either this story or Heroes Identity.

(And I also plan to finish Heroes Identity as well after I finish this.)

So with everything in the world going down hill for me...



"Tommy." Tubbo said in a unsettling and concerning tone, it made the blonde straighten his back just a bit. Not because he's scared of his 5'7, trigger happy friend, it's mainly just a sense of trying to look intimidating! Yeah- that's it.

"Look, there was literally nothing I can do in that situation. If I would have ran I would look suspicious as hell!"

"And what if they would have recognized a relation between you and Theseus?" Ranboo stepped in as always, Ranboo is right but Tommy known that before him so fuck that guy.

"Guys, we all know that I can't get caught-"

"Then explain what happened two nights ago?" Ah, fucken shit. The whole thing with Jubilee and the Wonder Pet's had completely slipped his mind, probably shouldn't have though since they almost did take him and lock him up in Pandora's Vault. The blonde really needed to work on remembering important things like that.

"I would have gotten away if Warden didn't stab me with his oversized fork." Tommy snapped back, now making his way to his bedroom. Ranboo and Tubbo following after him.

"You still got caught though, that's not good for any of us! Tommy are you even listening?" The blonde clearly wasn't, rushing around to find his outfit to go out. He didn't tell them that obviously.

"Tom's..." The freakishly tall boy spoke, it was more on the begging tone than demanding attention. Which made Tommy face the two.

"Could you not go out tonight? It's honestly good for us to stay out of any hero business for awhile."

"I am no bitch." Tommy snapped back, fully dressed in his villain outfit and already making his way but of course the short fuck had to grab his arm. Making him stop in his tracks.

Okay, now Tommy is pissed off. The fact that in the situation he was in that he could do nothing about was the reason for keeping him home, which is the dumbest fucking thing he has ever heard. He was fine. He still didn't get caught. He is a villain, of course he's bound to get caught, even for a second while fighting. And the whole thing with the interview and stuff wasn't even that dangerous, yes it did have risks but nothing that he couldn't protect his friends from.

"You're gonna be homeless if you don't stay home you stubborn fuck." Tension rose, Tommy and Tubbo basically throwing knives at each other through their glare. Ranboo standing to the side as he watches peace crumble between the two.

"I'm. Leaving." Tommy turned and walked away, leaving his friends behind him.

"Fine you greasy looking bitch! Be like that!" Tubbo voice rose, not even looking at the blonde anymore.

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