Chapter 8 - The Meet up

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Tommy has finally arrived to the casino, with it's flashy lights and giant bill board its kinda hard to miss. He walked inside with still a large sea of people being loud, annoying, and loosing a shit ton of money. Very smart of them.

The Jester found him getting lost in the maze of people and took him to the arcade area, where he suspiciously won a lot of games. Probably the Jester rigged them to where Tommy won almost everytime.

After 2 hours of gaming and winning, Tommy was hit with thirst and politely asked the Jester where he can get a drink. Jester took him to the bar and are now talking.



"You know I'm like, under age right." The Jester stared at Tommy for a moment, a little in shock but then began to speak.

"Oh well... Um... You can have apple juice?"

" That's fine with me big J." Tommy replied, adding a bit of an excited tone to his voice, he really loved apple juice. One of the best tastes in the world in Tommy's opinion.

"Bar boy, one glass of vodka and a glass of apple juice." Bar boy started to run to the drinks seeming a bit scared while doing so, was he really that scared of Jester? Tommy to decide to ignore the question as Jester started talking.

"So ya having fun, Theseus?"

"Yeah I mean I've been winning most of the time so that seems pretty pog." There was a small moment of silence after Tommy's comment, the Jester's face expression shown that he was thinking.

Then, the drinks arrive.

"Here ya go, Theseus"

"Thanks." Tommy takes the glass of apple juice from Jester's hand and sat it in front of him, Jester had this energy around him that disturbed Tommy enough to not drink it. He still doesn't trust Jester, especially if he was hiding something from him because of his conversation with the hero's.

"So... Jester, do want to tell me what you and the hero's discussed last night-"

"Ahh it's nothing to worry about just boring hero stuff ya know? Anyways, I want to discuss what happened with that little 'hero' stunt you pulled." The Jester exclaimed, changing the subject entirely. He also said his sentence really fast which also set off red flags in Tommy's mind.

"Okaaayyyyy? Anyways, the only reason why I did that was because I just thought those hero's in training had no reason to be a part of that type of situation"

"Wow I would not expect that sentence coming out of you! What else do I not know about you"

"Well pretty much my identity, Jester. That's about it"

"Can ya tell what your name is then?"


"No no no." Jester said laughing a bit, "I mean like your real name you know?" Okay, now Tommy feels like this conversation is getting a bit personal.

"Ummm I don't think I'm gonna do that"

"Come on Theseus, you really can't trust me? I literally could have just force you tell me by threatening you" RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG RED FLAG!!!!

"It's still a no man, I do like you but... I just-"

"But you just what?" He said filled with a more angered tone, Jester took a drink from his glass. That's what Tommy's dad did before he was about to give him 'discipline' for having a "bad mouth". This ultimately made Tommy stop what he was about to say.

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