Chapter 12 - The Guitar

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Ho Ho Ho
- Santa :]


Phil had dropped Tommy off in a alleyway, they said their good bye's and Tommy started his journey the rest of his  home.

He made his way through the apartment door to see Tubbo and Ranboo still on the couch asleep. It was a pretty wholesome sight to see, Ranboo with one leg on the couch and the other leg stretched on the floor. Tubbo on top of him rapped in a blanket snoring, it made him look like a biscuit.

Tommy got some clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He came back out with his damp blonde hair, still feeling joy seeing his two friends curled up on the couch together. Tommy quickly grabbed a blanket from his room and sat on the opposite side of the two sleeping boys, laying his legs on top of Tubbo and laid his head on the armrest of the couch.

His eyelids have fallen, his body relaxed, he finally had fallen back to his place of peace.


He has woken up, warm and a lot of pressure on top of him, it was kinda suffocating but it felt nice. He opens eyes to Tubbo's milk chocolate hair in his face, as well as Ranboo which somehow got under him wrapping his long arms around Tubbo and him.

Tommy sighed as he realized he was in the middle and couldn't get up, he saw his phone that was on the floor and reached out his hand for it. He had it in his grasp, he pulls it up over Tubbo's head and check's the time. 6:31, wait a minute...


He elbows the taller boy under him, Ranboo then starts to sit up, clearly confused why Tommy elbowed him. Tubbo was still asleep for some reason.

"RANBOO, YOU'RE FUCKING LATE FOR TRAINING YOU DUMBASS!" Tommy shoved his phone in the other boys face.

"... OH CRAP!"

Ranboo pushed the boys off of him and ran to his bedroom, quickly rushing to put on his hero costume. A few seconds later he rush's out of his bedroom and shakes Tubbo violently, Tubbo wearily opening his eyes.




"...OH SHIT!"

Tubbo hastily getting up, rushing to the bedroom and getting out with his suit on in 3 seconds.

The two worried looking boys rushed out the door, Tommy could hear a faint "good bye, Tommy" from the other side of the door. It all happened so fast it took Tommy a moment process what just happened.

He laid back down onto the couch, and started to watch movies on the TV.


A couple of hours have passed, Tommy hadn't done much but ate some left over pastries and watch movies. He checked the time on his phone, 1:25. It was time for him to head to work.

He put on some more presentable clothing, and began his journey to the café.

Tommy unfortunately forgot his earbuds so he was forced to look at his surroundings.

There was a sheet of pure white snow on the ground, making a light crunch noise with every step Tommy took. There is little flakes of frozen water circling the sky. How come he's never noticed this with it floating around him? He shrugged, he continued to stare at things on the way to the café.


He arrived at the café and the person he saw first was Wilbur, of course the one thing that could ruin his day was still working here.

"Oh hey Tommy," Wilbur said, probably trying to start a conversation with him again.

"Guess what I brought..."  It better be a gun to shoot him with.

But in fact it was not a gun, it was a hollowed out piece of wood, six thin strings stretched across it making it look like an art piece. There's is something engraved on it that Tommy couldn't see what it said from where he's standing.

Tommy was in aw, gazing at the guitar and all it's beauty. It looks so... Perfect. He could tell Wilbur had taken great care of it seeing how it looked like it just came out of a shop.

Tommy dashed behind the counter to get a closer look at it, the carving said "Wilbur S.". The guitar looked even better up close.

"Would you like me to play a song?" Tommy looked back up at Wilbur who was smiling for some reason, he nodded excitedly.

Wilbur took a seat on the counter, Tommy copied him and sat down next to him.

Wilbur sighed... Then he moved the stings. His fingers moved elegantly, his voice was soft and soothing. Tommy had never heard of the song but, he loved it.

After a couple of minutes the music stop, Tommy was a little disappointed that he stopped paying but the melody repeated in his head, which kept him from asking Wilbur to play it again.

"So... What do you think?" Tommy had no words, the way he played the guitar so beautifully and his voice sounding like a god left Tommy speechless.

"That was... Amazing!" Tommy yelled, still moved by the song he had played.

"What song is that?"

"It's my song, and I call it 'La Jolla'" he replied, Tommy being more in shock that this guy makes his own songs. That was fucking poggers.

"Would you like to hear more?"

"Hell yeah!"

And just like that, Wilbur played another song for the boy. Wilbur felt a lot of happiness because of his response, it made him picture a really good friendship with his co worker named, Tommy.

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