Chapter 15 - Bonding Time

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This is the summary for chapter 14 for those who didn't feel comfortable reading it!

So if you had read the last chapter then you don't have to read this!

Basically the chapter before was about Tommy dream of past memories of his trauma and watching his younger self suffering.
The first memory is his parents figuring out he has powers even though neither of them had any, so they planned on what to do with younger Tommy.
The next memory was his younger self being experimented and his parents agreeing to donate his blood for something secret.
Then the next memory what about him finally calling the police and almost died because his father tried to shoot him. The police arrive in time and arrest the parents and took Tommy away.
The final memory being his younger self holding his friend while there is fire swarming around him, the boys got out of the burning orphanage but they were separated.
While the memory disappeared, the fire didn't so he slowly fell unconscious because of suffocation.

And now your caught up (Hopefully)!



He woke up in a sweat, breathing in heavy, shaky, fast breathes. His vision was blurry with tears pouring down his face, his hands shaking uncontrollably. He could hear ringing and muffles but that was it.

He felt something touch his arm and he immediately swatted it away.

"G- go away!" He said very weakly, he felt so vulnerable.

He didn't want to be hurt again.

He could hear the mumble again but a bit clearer, it stated 'lay your hands down'. Tommy was terrified but he didn't want to get hit or beaten so he did as the voice said, gently placing his shaky hands onto a rough fabric texture.

He then felt two fingers gently tapping his hand, he realized what it was. It is, Tubbo's, and Ranboo's signal that they were there and to not be scared.

When Tommy did what he is doing now for the first time, it took Tubbo and Ranboo a long time to calm Tommy down because he was constantly trying to kick them for getting too close. So they developed a technique they could use to verify Tommy who they were and if they are a threat.

Tommy put his hand onto the hand that was touching him to identify who is was.

He felt the rough bits that faded into a smoother texter of skin, Tubbo's burn marks.

Tommy started took take slow deep breathes to calm down, they were shaky but it was enough to restore most of his hearing and vision.

He could now see Ranboo and Tubbo smiling but he could see lines of water that have gone down their faces. They were clearly crying before, Tommy then felt guilty for that.

Before he could say anything, he was pulled into a group hug by the two other boys. He tightly squeezed the boys back, thankful for them being there for him. God did good with them.

"Did you have one of those dreams again?" Tubbo asked, putting on his sweetest voice.


"Do you just to want watch a movie? It's like 1:00 am but it's never too early to watch one... Or two!" Tommy chuckled a bit, he then replied with another 'yeah' and the three boys moved to the living room.

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