Chapter 24 - Time is Slow

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Sup! I know I haven't posted in like- 2 weeks, but I am working on another story titled "HEROES IDENTITY" From the title you can already tell it's another superhero au lol (I'm sorry I'm just obsessed with those)

I might post the first chapter in a bit idk but I know I will work on it more after this story is finished!

I've also had the same question over and over again; is Wilbur Siren or Jubilee?

Wilbur is Jubilee! Not Siren! Siren is Niki because she can control water, Wilbur is Jubilee because of his song! Now, I'm not sure if there is a glitch in my story or not bc I did originally made Wilbur, Siren, but I changed it to Jubilee bc I liked it better! So if anyone is confused bc of the identities of Jubilee and Siren, this is ur answer!
(Sorry for the confusion)

Also thank u for 15k views! That's freaking insane and I can not thank u guys enough!


Tommy sitting up against a wall for what feels like over a thousand years, finally heard his name be called by a guy with some glasses. The blonde stammered up, not expecting to be called up for the next hundred years. He proceeded to walk to the rooms entrance, anxiety building up in his throat. He gave a simple wave to the man holding the door for him, the man not acknowledging his kind gesture.

New name for him, bitch dog- yeah, bitch dog.

The blonde held back the urge to smack him upside the head because he is a saint compared to that bitch dog, he walked through the door to see a familiar but unfamiliar face.

Time Loop.

He was grateful that it wasn't a hero he has encountered as Theseus, otherwise he probably would have jumped out the window. The blue eyed boy sat down in the cushioned chair as Time Loop continued to look at him. The older males brown hair was the only feature you notice since his eyes were covered by round motorcycle goggles, they were painted in a split black and white with the rest of his outfit was colored. The strange rectangle - ish symbol laid on the front of his hoodie, very unique in Tommy's opinion.

"Hello, my name is Time Loop, you are Tommy, correct?" The hero that sits before him sounded happy and energetic, but Tommy could tell he was trying to hide the tiredness in his voice.

"Yes, I am Tommy, pleasure to meet you." The blonde gave him his best smile and shook the other males hand, his hands shook a bit but fortunately the hero didn't notice.

"Alright Tommy, I'm hoping how you know an interview works. I'm going to ask a few questions that will determine if you get the job or not, then when you leave an email would be sent to confirm if you did or did not get the job." Tommy nodded, he's been to multiple job interviews in his life and they all pretty much ended with "I'm sorry to inform you..." Or "we don't see you fitting into this job, we wish you good luck on finding another one."

"Okay let's begin." Time spoke, looking at some papers he has picked up off the desk.


It felt like hours when Tommy was sitting in the same office chair not being able to do anything but answer questions given to him, it was definitely not a poggers time. But Time Loop finally cleared his throat, picked up his papers, and stood up, Tommy mimicked his movement.

"I think that's all we needed to know, thank you Tommy Innit"

"It's nothing, this isn't the first time someone wanted to know everything about me." Time giggled, but this was kinda not a joke. Tommy's persona, Theseus, has been wanted by heroes for a while now. Heroes really wanted to know how he keeps managing to escape and who he is. Tommy finds it a bit flattering and creepy at the same time.

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