Chapter 26 - The Thunder Before the Storm

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Tommy returned home through the bedroom window, not even bothering to close the door as he looked for his friends. He approached the living room and his eyes opened wide at the sight of the now torn-up living room. The TV shattered, the couch flipped over, and the wooden coffee table broke in half. This begins to make the blonde panic, a king him run into every room to find them.


Tears began to fall, and gasps of air tried to fill his lungs to calm him down. It didn't help much. Before he broke down on the floor, he sees a piece of paper on the table in the kitchen. He walks over, seeing the paper is a note.

"Hello Tommy

I think you've already realized that your friends are gone. That is to make sure you hold up your end of the deal.

Remember that deadline, I will be waiting

- :)"

As Tommy read it, more tears went down his cheeks. He was fuming with anger, making him crumble up the piece of paper and tossed it on the other side of the room. He curled up in the corner, hoping this was a dream, hoping that this was all some prank as karma for Tommy snapping at Tubbo. But it wasn't, this was real life. Something he can't change.

Are you sure?


You can't escape me.

Yeah, keep trying to avoid me.

You will have to face me one day!

Tommy felt a poison boil up inside, it infects his mind with thoughts of pure hatred. It kept repeating revenge in his mind, to kill that green smiling mother fucker. He thinks back to their conversation, and Dream's threats, and wants to repeat them in his mind. The blonde is so torn on whether to kill Dream or give in to his demands. Either way, he has to kill someone.

The thought sends a shiver down his spine. Maybe he can think of a way to not kill anyone, and get his friends back. There has to be a way, there's always a way in Tommy's vision. He ponders on situations, and the way they will end. Every one of them being someone having to die for another... Except for one.

He has to team up with the heroes. Tommy doesn't like that idea, he hates them. Especially the one with brown curls, the man is annoying as shit and has been a pain in the ass since the beginning.

But is he worthy of being killed? The question appears in the blonde's head, making him hesitate. He's not sure, yes he is a terrible person but... Would he kill him? Unlikely. The fact that he is considering makes him want to gag.

He shakes the feeling of disgust off and stands up, he knows sitting in a corner whining like bitch isn't going to do anything for anyone. Probably bring Tubbo and Ranboo closer to death.

He considers all his options, thinking about everything that has happened and what might happen. Looking over solutions and paths he can take. He has found his answer, even though his heart tells him otherwise.

Tommy, the villain known as Theseus, will be the one who kills the SBI.

Maybe his new job will become more helpful than he expected.


When the sun raised, Tommy woke up from his restless slumber. He groans knowing that he's now having to plan the death of three people, heroes. The blonde got up, looking around his house again just in case his friends came back. And that they did not get kidnapped by Dream and his goons. But it was no use, the apartment was still empty and the voices of his friends did not appear.

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