Chapter 6 - Can I Catch a Break?

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Waking up, Tommy feeling sore all over his body. This was the worst feeling he's ever felt, why did he felt like he was going to have a heart rate of 0 in 5 seconds?

Then all the memories of what happened started to wash over him like a tsunami, it was a lot to take in at once but what helped him stayed grounded was the fact that he was a certified girl boss during those moments.

The last thing he remembers is falling asleep on a roof, not in his bed. He slowly reached his arm out for his phone that was on his bedside table, wincing at the soreness in his arm. Looking at the time, it was 9:47pm. He really needed to get up. So he forcefully made him pull his self off of the bed and walk to the living room.

Tommy see's Ranboo and Tubbo sitting on the couch watching the news anxiously.


Tommy knew he fucked up now, but it was worth saving his friends over his very enormous ego.

Tubbo and Ranboo started looking at Tommy, Tommy could see water droplets threatening to rain down on Tubbo's rosie cheeks. Ranboo deeply staring at him as if he was checking for blood or broken bones, then immediately running towards Tommy embracing him with a hug, Tubbo doing the same thing. Tommy wanting to shove them both off for being inconsiderate fuck's because he's clearly still in pain but it was too nice of a feeling to get rid of.

The group hug finally dispersing after a couple of seconds, then Tubbo began explaining about what happened after Tommy had fell unconscious.

He explained that after he passed out, Ranboo started to awake from his long slumber. Then eventually The Blade came over to check on them after ending his battle with Dream. He saw Tommy passed out and reached his hand out to grab him. Ranboo realizing what was potentially going to happen, he put his hands on Tommy and Tubbo and teleported them all away from the scene.

"So yeah you missed out on a bit, boss man." Tommy struggled to get out a response to what happened today. The fight, him having to save his friends, his arm bleeding.

He remembered the moment of looking at his arm, full of glass that was glistening in the sun and streams of a dark red liquid falling down onto the concrete roof. He quickly glanced at his arm to see no glass, no blood, just white bandages rapped around it. Tommy knew Tubbo and Ranboo have never been the best at handling wounds but he could tell they were working on it, they figured out Tommy's method of bandaging. He felt like a proud father.

"Like what ya see?" Ranboo spoke, Tommy seeing the two having a big grin on their face's. They obviously noticed Tommy's anxious glance at his arm, they have always seem to have noticed what type of emotion he was feeling just by looking at his body movements, well it wasn't like he couldn't do the same.

"Well no shit, I'm glad you guys finally got the method down"

" Well it wasn't that hard." Tommy knew that was bullshit, Tubbo did talk a lot of bullshit sometimes but Tubbo is his favorite bullshiter. No one else has a pass on that but him.

"Sorry to break this pretty wholesome moment, but Tommy aren't you forgetting something?" Tommy blanked out, trying to figure out what that bitch was talking about.

Then it clicked into his head, fuck... He has to see the Jester tonight.

Tommy started to run to the closet. Grabbing his villain outfit, which was now clean, and bolted out the door. Tubbo having a confused look, Ranboo having a concerned look.

Hoping Tommy will come back home not harmed... If he ever does.

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