Chapter 9 - Moving on With The Schedule

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Did he actually have his hand on the frame?

The answer is yes, he did have his hand on the frame. Tommy took a sigh of relief realizing he hasn't fallen to his death.

He started to hear stomps coming to the window, if he got caught now it would all be for nothing. Tommy looked under the frame he was holding to see a pipe he can hold onto. So he quickly reached his left arm towards the pipe, grabbing it, then letting his grip off of the frame. Making him swing a litte towards the pipe and bump into the wall.

Tommy looked back to see the same black gloves The Blade wears tightened on the white frame, gripping to it as if the frame would fall off. Tommy stayed as quiet and still as a mouse, praying for the hero to not look down.

Tommy then heard a loud sigh as the hands on the frame were lifted, footsteps and muffled voices were all to be heard. He took this opportunity to scale down the giant casino, and bolt to the alleyway.

Disappearing into the dark paths of South L'manburg.


"AGAIN!!!??" Tubbo screeched, clearly angered at the situation Tommy had explained to him, Ranboo also listening in from in the couch.

"Tommy are you fucking kidding me right now? This is the second time you came back home from that hell hole with bad news!!! That's it, I'm banning you from going back their ever again"

"WHAT!?" Tommy shouted back, Tommy wanted to go back to get back at Jester and Tubbo tells him he can't!? That was a bitch move of Tubbo.

"You are not my fucking mum, you can't tell me to do shit"

"Well clearly I have to other wise you'd be DEAD"

"Tubbo, Tommy, stop!" Ranboo said in a stern voice while he stood up, the two stopped talking immediately.

"Tubbo I know you're upset but you can't tell Tommy what to do"

"Thank you Ranboo-"

"And you," Ranboo turned his focus on Tommy.

"As your friend, I believe you should also not go back their since both times you have gone, you were so close to being captured by the hero's"

"You bi-" Ranboo glared at Tommy, making him hesitate to continue his sentence, he decided to not finish the sentence. Not because Ranboo looked like he was going to kill him if he was to finish stating his fact, but because he didn't want to waste his precious voice on some asshole.

Ranboo sighed and continued talking.

" Can you two just please come to an agreement and hug it out? I'm not sitting in an apartment where I can't breathe because of the tension." Tommy and Tubbo glared at each other for a minute.

"I will let you have access to my computer as long as you don't back"

"Deal!" Tommy said energetically, they then hugged which meant all was forgiven and the agreement was set. Ranboo looking relieved at this.

"Okay Tommy, I think it's time for you to head to bed. You have work in the morning." Tubbo stated as he pulled away from the hug, making Tommy a little sad at that.

"Okay, I'm going to bed, I feel like shit, goodnight guys"

"Goodnight!" Said the other two boys concurrent, waving at him as he walked out of the living room.

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