Chapter 3 - What a Surprise

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Falling fast like an asteroid in space, Tommy was definitely falling at a deathly rate. Thankfully Tommy was pretty skilled at falling onto hard surfaces, he was over a slanted balcony roof on the building he was trying climb up... Perfect. He perfectly rolled on it so it wouldn't hurt much.

He eventually fell into a dumpster which a had a disgusting but soft landing. Looking up, Tommy could see the two hero's up above him, ready to charge at him.

He quickly crawled out of the dumpster and ran into the streets. He's fast, but they could gain on him at any moment, especially that they could see him because of the street lights. He thought of plan but it was risky, but he decided that nothing is risky for the biggest man in the world so proceed with his plan.

He turned a quick left, running towards big fancy lights that are usually at a concert. He ran towards the building with the giant lights with a sign that said "Devil's Bargain." He quickly ran inside past the guards that were screaming at him to not go inside.

Inside was a bright, loud place that almost blinded Tommy as he walked in. His vision focused on colorful room and saw something that he didn't really like... The crowd of people. Always moving and yelling over a bet, waving there hands for victory or to call over a friend. Them drinking the night away or going broke due to their loss. He knew exactly what place he was at... The Jester's Casino.

He hated how the crowds of people made him feel claustrophobic, but this was the only way he could lose the hero's.

He slipped through the wave of people hearing Jubilee and The Blade pushing people just to find a young villain. As he was making his way through people as he heard the hero's voices getting closer, he felt a hand around his arm yanking him in a different direction.

He was frightened only for a moment until he heard a familiar voice, "Don't move." He looked up, seeing a scar stretch down on the face he was looking at, the eye being a light-ish gray and a shiny gold tooth glowed as he grinned. It was the fucking Jester of course, in his black suspenders that hooked to his pants. The classic white button up shirt with a red tie, and that stupid fucking beanie. Yup, it was definitely him.

"What do you want Jeste-"

"Shut the fuck up, you're going to get caught if you shut your mouth." How dare he?! Shushing the very charming, pog, charismatic, and intelligent TommyInnit.

"Go in that room, I'll make sure they don't find you."... THE FUCK!? The Jester wants to help him!? No, there's definitely something he wants from Tommy, either it's to team up or for him to work there. Whatever it is he wants, Tommy was not going to give it up.

Jester slides his square mask over his face and starts walking towards the hero's. I go to the room I was told to go to and try to listen to their conversation, I didn't hear much but mumbling and music. After a few minutes of listening, I hear walking towards the door I'm behind and I back up to brace myself.

Thankfully it was just Jester, who seemed kinda pissed... But why though? The Jester sighed and gestured his hand for Tommy to come out. He was hesitant but what else was he going to do? This room was like a closet, but a bit bigger... no windows, one exit and one entrance. That was it.

So he nervously walk closer to him, looking at the ground next to Jester to see if there is more than one shadow. But there wasn't.

Now closer to the door frame, he could definitely tell that it was just The Jester.

"Jeez what is up with hero's being so serious about every little thing?" The Jester spoke so the little moment of silence was broken. He seemed more relax now which Tommy guesses is good.

"I know right? Its not like I did anything either, I was literally sitting on top of a building! What's the wrong in that?"

"Maybe because you are still being chased after for that stunt you pulled at McDonald's."

"It wasn't my fault they didn't give me my ranch for my chicken nuggets because they 'ran out'." They both laugh.

It was much more calmer now having a conversation that's sorta funny.

"Also, thank you for covering for me... That was very pog of you." The Jester hesitated to speak, not long but long enough for Tommy to see that there was something about that conversation that he had with with the hero's that he couldn't hear. He was hiding something.

"Y-yeah no problem, always here to help out a friend." Yup he was hiding something, no one usually stutters unless they were scared or guilty. I have learned that lesson.

"Anyways, I'll get going, Jesture, don't wanna... Get in the way of your business-"

"Nonsense, you won't get in the way! Stay here, we can have loads of fun playing games of all sorts." Yeah Tommy doesn't trust that, no one usually said that he wasn't in the way so there's definitely something he was wanting.

"Yeah no can do boss man, I gotta get home. It's late." 'Leave me alone you bastard' is what Tommy wanted to say.

"Well now you owe me, that means you have to show up tomorrow night, here, at the same time."

Shit, he has a point, he did literally saved him from being arrested and put in Pandora's Vault. He kinda had to do that, and if he goes tomorrow, he would have a plan if things did go south.

"Ugh, fine I will see you tomorrow bitch boy."

"Don't make me regret helping you-"

"Yeah yeah alright, see ya."

And just like that, Tommy ran out of the establishment, looking left and right to see if anyone was waiting for him. No one was there, that's how he wanted it.

He walked home dreading what has happened and what is to come.

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