Chapter 4 - Why Today?

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"YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" If you're wondering what just happened, Tommy just explained how he was being chased by Jubilee and The Blade and then accidentally exposing his ability, eventually leading to Tommy having to go back to the Casino tomorrow night.

"Tubbo it's not a big deal-"


"So what? Am I not a villain? I don't think you remember but I have committed crimes before and besides, I'm too slick to be caught"

"But Tommy we are worried about you, you are friend for crying out loud!" Ranboo stepped into the argument, obviously taking Tubbo's side like a bitch. He is such a bitch.

"You guys don't have to worry about the very charming, pog, charis-"

"matic, and intelligent Tommy. Yeah, we know." Tubbo growled, finishing his sentence as if he knew what Tommy was going to say. No one if prepared for the wisdom of Tommy.

"You need to be more careful, the fact that two of the biggest hero's in the world know about your power is dangerous" Ranboo said, in a very concerned tone. It kinda made Tommy's heart hurt.

"Nothing is too dangerous for-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, dick"

"But it's true! How am I suppose to stop my wise, poetic, and influential intelligence." Tubbo did 'the look', the same look where your parents stay quiet and have this expression on their face. Making it hard to read and makes you easily stop what your saying. That's how Tommy became quiet.

" I know you think what's best for you..." Ranboo started breaking the thick silence between Tommy and Tubbo. " But now that they know what you can do, what do you think their going to do with that new found knowledge? They could capture you and use you to power something that they need like a super blaster machine!"

Tommy shook at the thought of that, the fact they can use him for their own personal gain. He didn't like the feeling he was experiencing right now.

"Do you know why we joined the hero training camp? To make sure you don't get caught or arrested, that's why." It was true, they only became hero's in training to protect their friend. They were truly all Tommy could ever want and need.

"I know, I just want to do cool shit"

"I know you want to do cool shit but you need to be alive in order to do that"

Tommy sighed, knowing that he won't be able to win this argument so he remains silent.

Tubbo and Ranboo both looked at each other and grinned while looking back at Tommy. Tommy was now more worried than ever.

" What are you guys planning?" Before Tommy could realize what was happening, he was in the grasp of both Ranboo and Tubbo's arms, forming a group hug. It felt warm, cozy, and soft... The best feeling Tommy has felt in a while.

The fatigue from running has finally kicked in, making Tommy almost crumble into the arms of his friends. Tubbo and Ranboo take note of this and took Tommy to his room, and gently place him in his bed.

Tommy felt the roughness of his old bed but there was just enough comfort for him to slowly fall into the world of dreams.


He woke up, with tiredness dragging on his eyelids. Tommy looked at the time on his phone, 8 am, the perfect time to get up and start the day. Tubbo and Ranboo left hours ago to get to training in time so Tommy had the entire apartment to himself.

Not like there was a lot to enjoy, it had a small kitchen, living room, 2 bedrooms that only a bed and side a desk can fit. A bathroom and that was pretty much it, not the best apartment but enough to fit 3 teenage boys living by themselves.

He spent the day in his apartment which was pretty uneventful, since there wasn't a lot to do. Tommy did his morning routine, watched old DVD movies on the Xbox 360, ate something small for lunch, and played some games on Ranboo's old and beaten up Nintendo DS.

That what his daily schedule was like, just a never ending cycle of eating little and playing games. So he decided to watch the news to change his day a little.


Saw that one coming, The Blade and Dream have always started fights from the moment they see each other. It's like dogs at dog park, always seeming that they want to bite each other in the throats.


Tommy looked at the screen in panic, those names were his friends. He can see Tubbo and Ranboo wrapped in the arms of Hell Fire, Ranboo passed out and Tubbo having a panicked look on his face. Tommy can't lose them too.


Tommy is currently in his villain outfit, watching the hero and the villains arguing. He told himself that he wouldn't interfere unless his friends were going to get hurt. Having his gadgets on him, fully charged made him feel much more easy.

"Come on Blade just leave us be and will keep the kids safe, we're not going to do anything-"

"Zip it, Dream, I know what you do to younger hero's and I'm not going to let you do that. not again."

What was The Blade talking about? What does Dream do to them? Is he going to hurt Tubbo and Ranboo? What's going to happen to them?

Thoughts and feelings were spiraling through Tommy's head over and over again, making him more anxious than ever. He needed to stay calm, he didn't want to step in at the wrong time and mess everything up. So he anxiously stayed where he was and waited.

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