Chapter 7 - A Strange Encounter

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Tommy has taken a break from sprinting and jumping on buildings. Him trying to breathe in all the oxygen around him, as if the air was being pulled away from him. God he needed to work on his breathing.

Suddenly he felt a gust of wind blow on his back, it felt more... Man made than natural.

He slowly moved his fingers across his gadget belt, quickly realizing that he doesn't have any weapons on him. Why today of all days did he not grab any weapons before leaving?

Tommy's mind raced to figure out a new plan before potentially being stabbed, until he heard a calm, light voice speak behind him.

"It's okay mate, I'm not gonna hurt ya." Tommy slowly turned his head around towards the voice. He see's blonde hair, a white and green bucket hat, and giant black wings. And of course the mask that looked like one of those plague masks from back in the day. This here is the one and only Zephyrus.

The ability of a crow but more unique. The feathers on his wings can be shot out like bullets and the edges of them are as sharp a knives, leaving anyone in the way badly injured. The obvious perk of his power is the ability to fly and to summon other crows when he needs help. Why was this man's ability so over powered!?

As Tommy recognized the figure that was talking he started slowly step backwards to try and hopefully get some space between them so he can run, but then appeared a murder behind him. All perched on the power lines or the edges of a building, waiting for him to run. There was no way he could really get out of this if he doesn't use his power, something Tommy didn't want to do since he already used his power once today.

"Come here, I'm not going to take you prison." This set off so many questions in his head, hes not going to prison? Is he lying? Is this a trap? Can he even run if Zephyrus tries to capture him? There was really no point in asking those questions, all he could do was pray he was telling the truth. So... Tommy walked closer to Zephyrus. And for some reason, Zephyrus smiled at that.

What an old prick.

"Okay what do you want Zephyrus? Money? If that's what you want then you came to the wrong person-"

"I don't want your money Theseus, I just wanted to ask you something." Is Zephyrus going to ask him about him saving is friends?

"Why did you save Nuke and End today?" A predictable bitch is all he is.

"That's none of your concern old man"

"Well it kinda is mate, I am a hero you know"

"Then why didn't you save them yourself?"

"Because I was fighting Siren and spark in North L'manburg." Tommy could tell Zephyrus didn't hesitate to tell him that, probably because it offended him a bit.

"Well, it doesn't really matter if I tell you why I saved them or not, I'm a villain. I'm going to be sent to jail no matter what I say-"

"I don't think you're a villain Theseus." ... What? That- that doesn't make sense, Tommy is a villain. He causes a ruckus and loves ruining people's day! So... why did he say that?

" Well of course I'm a villain dumbass! How can I not be?"

"Well, the difference between you and Dream is that you don't put people in danger or try to kill them. I mean, just today you saved those boys from death! How could you be a villain?"

It... It's true, Tommy was never one for putting innocent people in danger. Not after what happened at the orphanage, it just seems so wrong to do that. Yeah he probably annoys the hell out of everyone but, he didn't want to put anyone in danger.

"Y- yeah so what? Doesn't make me any less of villain"

"Are you sure about that mate? Because it seems to me your more of a vigilante than a big, bad villain." Tommy was deeply offended by this, how DARE he relate him to a dumb fuck vigilante!? That has to be the worst insult he has ever been called! Tommy was now pissed.

" HOW FUCKING DARE YOU RELATE ME TO SOME DUMBASS VIGILANTE YOU PRICK!!!" Zephyrus didn't flinch when Tommy started yelling at him, which Tommy was kinda astounded by this. Usually anytime he would yell at someone they would at least move their hand a little as a fight or flight reflex, but no. Zephyrus stood as still as a statue, still keeping eye contact with him.

" I'll keep that in mind, Theseus." Zephyrus said, having a small grin on his face. It makes him have a look of a father, the look on his face made Tommy relax his shoulders.

"Okay anyways, Zephyrus, I gotta go do things that are evil and stuff-"

"Phil."... What did he say?


"Call me Phil." IS THAT ZEPHYRUS' REAL NAME!?!?!? Tommy was now internally freaking out.

"I- no. No I'm not calling you "phil" that's just fucking weird man"

"Mkay mate, you can always change your mind though." What the fuck is happening!? That's being played on repeat in Tommy's head. He was so lost and confused, but before he  could get his thoughts together, 'phil' has already disappeared into the night. The crows were gone too. All that was left was him and a black feather.

Tommy picked it up, examining all sides of the feather. He started to feel a stinging pain on his index finger, little droplets of blood started to trickle out of his skin. That is a really sharp feather.

Tommy decided to keep it, a reminder of what bastard he should stay away from. He put the feather carefully into his back pocket and continued on his journey to the casino.

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